Really low right now: I hit bottom... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Really low right now

mentalcase profile image
29 Replies

I hit bottom Tuesday and had a nervous breakdown. The world was closing in on me and I didn't know what to do. I called a hotline, but to my amazement, they could only stay on the line talking for 10 minutes. That didn't help at all. I was crying uncontrollably and just didn't know what to do. I knew not to call anyone for help because they would only commit me and that is one place I'm never going again. I called my ex husband late Monday night and he came over right away and stayed with me until Wednesday morning. I didn't eat for two days so yesterday I did take a few bites of food. I'm still shaky this morning and my stomach hurts. I haven't been this bad for a very long time and it was really scary. I'm on several medications for all kinds of things but right now they just aren't doing it. I wrote my doctor last week for some nerve pills but never heard from him. This could have been prevented if only I'd had some. I've overdosed several times and have been in several mental hospitals, but never again will I do either of these. I know now that I will only go when it's my time and the good Lord is the only one who decides that. I have no friends and no one to help me but my ex husband and we will always be best friends. I'm so glad that he was there for me.

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mentalcase profile image
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29 Replies
Joeyman profile image

Hello friend, I am sorry for your suffering. How do you feel right now?

mentalcase profile image
mentalcase in reply to Joeyman

Shaky and weak.

Joeyman profile image
Joeyman in reply to mentalcase

Are you feeling anxious?

mentalcase profile image
mentalcase in reply to Joeyman

Yes a little bit.

Joeyman profile image
Joeyman in reply to mentalcase

Are you in a safe space right now like at home or with family or friends? If you feel like you need to talk to someone I am here for you.

mentalcase profile image
mentalcase in reply to Joeyman

Thank you. I live by myself so no there isn't anyone here. I can always call my ex husband but he doesn't know the right words to say to me or comfort me. He helped though by just being here because I don't know what would have happened to me. I was really at the bottom.

Joeyman profile image
Joeyman in reply to mentalcase

No problem. I am really glad that you have someone you can rely on. What thoughts cause you to worry right now?

mentalcase profile image
mentalcase in reply to Joeyman

One of them is that I have a brother that lives just 19 miles from me and he isn't even interested in my life or what goes on with me. Him and I are the only ones left of 8 kids. He's older than me and always partied and stayed drunk with our other sisters and brother and I wasn't like them. Another thing that started this is that I changed my phone number 3 months ago and won't give it to my daughter nor one of my sons. I feel that she is keeping my 12 year old granddaughter from talking to me. Her and I used to have a very special relationship and even though I won't give her my phone number, she would email me. She hardly ever writes me anymore and it hurts. I've let all of this build up inside me and finally exploded.

Joeyman profile image
Joeyman in reply to mentalcase

If you don't mind me asking, why wouldn't you give your phone number to your daughter and sons?

mentalcase profile image
mentalcase in reply to Joeyman

Because there is too much drama in my daughter's life plus other things that have happened. I won't give it to my youngest son because he judges, belittles and talks to me like no child should to their mother. I just couldn't deal with the pain and having my heart ripped out anymore.

Kiddle profile image

Oh how awful and scary that is. So glad you had someone to stay with you. Any idea what brought this all on? Did something specific happen or just out of the blue? Hope it's easing up. I'm in the USA so when crisis lines are backup up or you say a magic word that.'s concerning they call the police. As you may have heard on the news, our police aren't trained to help. All they can do is transport you to the hospital and let them deal with it. Some help is no help at all!

Glad you posted here. Please keep posting here today.

mentalcase profile image
mentalcase in reply to Kiddle

I've had a lot of stress in my life for about three weeks and it just kept building up. I'm in New Mexico and here anyone can commit you. It's happened to me before so that's why I know not to try and get help. I will not be committed again.

Kiddle profile image
Kiddle in reply to mentalcase

I'm in New Mexico too! Amazing we meet on a UK site! Being overwhelmed triggers a lot for me. Do you have a therapist? Luckily mine agrees with us about hospitalization. But I won't call him late at night etc. Often wished there was a group could call just to talk with to get things calmed down when T wasn't available. Apparently not! Take care of yourself today. Do something fun.

mentalcase profile image
mentalcase in reply to Kiddle

Where in New Mexico are you? Yes I have a therapist but unless they've been through what we have they don't understand. I've only seen her twice and now she's leaving next month. She's real young though and I just don't relate to her. I searched on the internet for just someone to talk to but there is mostly suicide hotlines.

Kiddle profile image
Kiddle in reply to mentalcase

Albq. Where are you? Went thru several myself. Fired some, was fired by one. Two moved out of town. Went to see a guy cuz I had to have one *of record*. Thought we had nothing in common. If I really was looking for therapy, never would have selected him. It took almost a year before we decided he was trustworthy. Wouldn't have made it this long without him. Don't give up.

mentalcase profile image
mentalcase in reply to Kiddle

I'm in Portales. I've been through so many therapists through the years and it doesn't seem like any of them help. I'm doing my best not to give up. I'm having gene testing done next week to tell me what medicine and dosage I need to be on for my depression. I'm really looking forward to it and hopefully some help.

lovetodance2018 profile image

Thank you for reaching out and sharing. I am sorry you are struggling and having such a tough time. I have been hospitalized a few times myself so I understand you not wanting to go there. I am sorry the group you called was only able to talk for 10 minutes. That is not enough time. I am glad you have your ex-husband to call. Do you have a therapist you can reach out to? It is good your reached out here, because we care and understand the struggles with depression and anxiety. So just remember you are not alone. Depression and anxiety are diseases, it is not something you cause and it is real. However, finding ways to cope and move forward is what is important.

Here are a few resources that work for me.

CBT-ICoach app -

EFT - Emotinal Freedom Tapping -

Reaching out on this support group helps me too.

Also these strategies:

The 557 breathing technique is take 5 deep breaths in while thinking good thoughts about yourself like I matter, I am special, I am strong and then hold the breaths for the count of 7 focusing on those words about yourself, then let out the breath slowly for 5 seconds letting go of any anxious, self-defeating, unhealthy thoughts. I do this one to three times a sitting. The gratitude journal is writing down something good every morning and night something that went well in the day, or something I appreciate about myself. Taking our focus off of the anxiety and depression and focusing on positive uplifting things really helps. What you think is what you believe. So thinking uplifting things you believe those things but the reverse is true - thinking negative self-defeating things, you will believe those. I will be praying for you. Feel free to pm me if you'd like to chat. I understand struggles and want to support others who have a hard time. Hugs and God Bless

mentalcase profile image
mentalcase in reply to lovetodance2018

Thank you. I will look into these suggestions. I've been on so many different antidepressants through the years and they work for awhile then quit. I do have a therapist but she isn't much help.

lovetodance2018 profile image
lovetodance2018 in reply to mentalcase

How are you doing? I have found being self-aware and not being hard on myself really helps. Also reaching out on these forums and knowing I am not alone helps too. If you ever want to chat feel free to pm me. Hugs

mentalcase profile image
mentalcase in reply to lovetodance2018

I'm still not too good. Tired and sleepy all the time.

lovetodance2018 profile image
lovetodance2018 in reply to mentalcase

Do you do any exercise? I found this one called Fabulous Fifties really inspiring and a good workout even if you are not 50 ( What things do you like to do? I had to make a list and it was hard at first, but now try to fit in my day some type of exercise and do something fun for me. I will continue to be praying for you. Hugs

NiBa5 profile image


How's your condition? I hope you're doing getter even a bit.

I was like you after I came off antidepressant. I was like a living dead with the severe mental breakdown. I often called helplines but they didn't help me much. Finally. I decided to be patient alone...such a lonely and scary fight. Finally, I decided to come back another antidepressant 15 months ago . I'm doing a lot better now even if I'm not totally ok yet.

I can feel your agony and despair.

While I was so sick, chocolate, candy, and chocolate chip cookies helped me. Taking a bath was also helpful. I avoided caffeine. Are you sleeping ok? Sleep is very important. Please don't overdose meds. It won't help yo....


mentalcase profile image
mentalcase in reply to NiBa5

Thank you. I'm doing better but not back to completely good yet. No my sleep hasn't been too good. I'm on two different sleeping pills because I have racing thoughts and insomnia. My mind won't shut down for me to sleep unless I take them. It's getting to where they aren't helping much but I've been on so many different sleeping pills that there isn't anything left. I didn't eat for two days when I had the breakdown but since then I've been taking a few bites of something every day. My stomach has been so nervous that I just haven't been hungry.

NiBa5 profile image

Being alone is hard. I'm alone with my cat. When I was very sick , my long time friend helped me physically but not emotionally. I think my cat comforted me.

I took Mirtazaline 7.5mg to sleep for a while. It was much better than a sleeping pill for me (I slowly came off it). Poor sleep affects our mood pretty seriously.

And pleass try to eat even a bit. Low glucose causes anxiety.

I hope you can feel better. Hugs.

mentalcase profile image
mentalcase in reply to NiBa5

Thank you. I'm staying so tired right now and not getting much sleep. My sleeping pills aren't helping right now and my restless leg syndrome has started again so that doesn't help. I'm trying to eat a little bit but can't eat much.

NiBa5 profile image
NiBa5 in reply to mentalcase

It sounds you're suffering a lot right now. Are you seeing a doc for the restless leg syndrome?

I couldn't eat for a while but Mirtazapine restored my appetite too. I don't need it anymore but I think it helped me. It's the atypical antidepressant.

It's been hard for me to be alone and not working for a long time due to my condition (I used to work in a medical field). Brain recovery takes time.

I hope you can sleep tonight


mentalcase profile image
mentalcase in reply to NiBa5

I went to the doctor yesterday since my legs have been hurting and having spasms. I don't get much sleep because of that. He put me on medication and hopefully it will help. It's very hard being alone but I've been calling my ex husband, who lives 19 miles from me, and he's been here every time I've needed him. I told him he's been my angel and I don't know what I'd do without him. I've already taken my night meds plus my sleeping pills so I'm gonna try to get in bed soon and hopefully get some sleep. I am exhausted. I hate to go to bed or go to sleep instead I sit up late playing on my phone. But I'm ready for bed tonight. Have a good night all and thank all of you very much for being here for me.

NiBa5 profile image
NiBa5 in reply to mentalcase

Good night😴. I hope you can sleep ok tonight. I hope your med will work for your restless leg syndrome.

Its still 7:40pm here. Yes I'm playing on YouTube a lot too.

mentalcase profile image
mentalcase in reply to NiBa5

Thank you. It's 8:40 here and I'm usually always up later than this, but I'm gonna have to make myself go to bed. Good night.

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