End of the line? : There comes a point... - Anxiety and Depre...

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End of the line?

23 Replies

There comes a point when you ask yourself is it really all worth it when you have nothing to live for and your ailments are getting worse by the day. I tried the talking bit and I won't do myself any harm and certainly not others but I just want to sit in the corner and wait for life's misery to end.

23 Replies
Antagone profile image

That's pretty much what I do...every day is a chore to get through. I feel like all existence is pointless and life on earth is a cruel joke.

So I got a puppy. Wonderful distractions, puppies. Makes the waiting more bearable.


in reply to Antagone

I am glad you found a puppy to give you joy. xx

Hi Fireskull I am from UK too , after reading your post I think the lockdown has got to you ? Have you continued to take your dog out for walks during lockdown ?

in reply to lillyofthevalley37

Hi Lilly! Yes, the lockdown has got to me. I have been in self-isolation for over a year now. My anxiety and depression go back much further than that though. I have a volunteer to walk my dog since I am not able to anymore.

lillyofthevalley37 profile image
lillyofthevalley37 in reply to

May I suggest you tentively try to walk out with your dog ? Are you able to do this ?

in reply to lillyofthevalley37

I would like nothing more but I can only walk with great difficulty and not for long.

lillyofthevalley37 profile image
lillyofthevalley37 in reply to

How about just small baby steps to start with ? A small walk even just a few yards from your home ? Or failing that a mobility scooter ?

in reply to lillyofthevalley37

The not being able to walk is physical so yes, a mobility scooter would be an option I have been pondering for a long time but haven't got round to it.

ScorpioQueen69 profile image

I have been Bipolar Manic since I was 12. To make a long story short, for years I attempted suicide and once died and sent back. My whole life changed when I divorced my 3rd husband, and now I can see nothing but reasons to live. My advice find out what it is that's making you sad and remove it from your life....

in reply to ScorpioQueen69

That sounds very good advice but what if you have been trying to figure out what it is that makes you sad and the only thing you can come up with is yourself. I shouldn't have to remove myself, should I?

Broken1971 profile image

I feel exactly the same way. I don't want to die but living has been torture. I try to just focus on the small things to get by even if it is just a good tv show, the flowers outside my window or whatever. I hope you can do the same...just keep going! I wish you the best.

Jay2O profile image

Sending healing thoughts your way in the hope that one day you can find gratitude in perhaps even the tiniest of things. No-one can possibly be happy 24/7. For me there is nothing better than just sitting outdoors and feeling the air on my face, looking at beautiful flowers and listening to the sound of seemingly content birds chirping away. It is rather meditative and soothing . Connect with people on the internet if you cannot get out. You are never alone. It merely feels that way. x

in reply to Jay2O

Thank you Jay. I appreciate that. I don't even connect on the internet. I'm the loner who doesn't seem to get on with anybody or never seems to fit in. Oh well...

Jay2O profile image
Jay2O in reply to

Looks like you`ve connected with a few people in here already. Those who haven`t been nice to you in the past aren`t worth knowing. Keep reaching out and there will always be someone you will gel with. Just wondered if you are able to get creative such as knitting/sewing or even baking. Someone I know knits clothes for children and dolls and gives them to charity. Some people bake and send them to their local churches. Just an idea as can make you feel useful. Take care x

in reply to Jay2O

I shall try and be positive and not so exclusive. I miss nothing more than being useful and you have good ideas but I have also rheumatoid arthritis and my hands are really bad.

Jay2O profile image
Jay2O in reply to

Hi Fireskull. So sorry about your plaguing aches and pains. I have had relatives and know of others also with the condition. Life must seem so unfair at times. My relative had crippling hands as you talk of yet she did love to bake. Don`t know how she did it but she did.I do think I read only recently of a new medication for rheumatoid arthritis which was having promising results. Not sure if was an injection or was in the form of pills. Am sure there are people researching into this problem all the time as with other conditions. There is always hope.

I just want to add also that I knew of a great healer once who helped a woman with arthritis. The lady felt marvelous after only a few visits and she didn`t need her stick when she walked out of the therapy room. No doubt there are a lot of cons out there but I think there are also some good ones.

Take care now. x

lovetodance2018 profile image

Thank you for reaching out and sharing. Those thoughts are from depression they are not truth. You do matter and you are special. I do two exercises to help me when I am struggling. I pray that you might find them helpful too.

.The 557 breathing technique is take 5 deep breaths in while thinking good thoughts about yourself like I matter, I am special, I am strong and then hold the breaths for the count of 7 focusing on those words about yourself, then let out the breath slowly for 5 seconds letting go of any anxious, self-defeating, unhealthy thoughts. I do this one to three times a sitting. The gratitude journal is writing down something good every morning and night something that went well in the day, or something I appreciate about myself. Taking our focus off of the pain, anxiety and depression and focusing on positive uplifting things really helps. What you think is what you believe. So thinking uplifting things you believe those things but the reverse is true - thinking negative self-defeating things, you will believe those.

This app helps with relaxing and finding contentment. (apps.apple.com/us/app/cbt-i...

I will be praying for you. Feel free to pm me if you'd like to chat. Hugs and God Bless

in reply to lovetodance2018

Awww you guys are quite something. This is such a great forum. It makes such a change from the usual vile attacks on social media. What you say makes perfect sense and I shall try the breathing technique. Thank you and I might just take you up on your offer. Thank you also for the prayers.

lovetodance2018 profile image
lovetodance2018 in reply to

I will continue to keep you in my prayers. Please keep us updated on how you are feeling. Hugs

in reply to lovetodance2018

Oh thank you. Not so good in fact. A lot of despair but I'll try. 😞

lovetodance2018 profile image
lovetodance2018 in reply to

Remember whenever are having a hard time to reach out here on a post, or send a pm. I am happy to chat and encourage you. Just know you are not alone. It is important to have someone to support you. I will continue to keep you in my prayers. Hugs

in reply to lovetodance2018

Thank you and bless you. I am following you so we can pm each other. ☺️

Hb2003 profile image

That was my thought process in one point of my life getting my asthma diagnosis changed my life but it was a relief because i got forced to run and get yelled at by teachers . I now have accepted it and i am working to improve myself . I am thinking about doing track as therapy for my asthma . Much peace love kindness and support 🙏😃-Hiba

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