I have been debating posting anything at all today but here I am.
I haven’t been doing well mentally lately and last night really didn’t help by any stretch. This is the lowest I’ve felt in a while. I’ve tried doing things, anything to get my mind off of it today but nothing is working so I’m just sitting on my bed, feeling numb like I have for the majority of the day.
I was doing pretty well until the last two weeks and last night was a metaphorical nail in the coffin for me, now I just feel like my existence is pointless. Not just because of what happened last night (which I’m not mentioning here because there’s no point at all) but also because of others things I haven’t really expressed to anyone else which I again won’t be mentioning here.
It’s funny. I grew up wanting to help people, wanting to get a job in that particular field and it’s ironic that I can do that (but very poorly) but not even help myself. If I can’t do that then what makes me think I’m capable of helping anyone else? In any case, I’m not good at either.
I think I’m going to take a break from posting here and I’m not sure when I’ll be back honestly. I’m also going to try limiting my time on social media but it’s hard when all my friends live in the city and I live in the sticks so, we’ll see how that goes.
Please don’t message me, I’m not really up for talking right now. Comments are welcome but I’m not guaranteeing replies. I just don’t want my mood and mindset rubbing off onto anyone else but I figured I’d at least check in and inform anyone who for whatever reasons decided to follow me to begin with.
I’m not doing well, but I’m hoping I’ll get better although that hopeful light seems dim right now.
As hypocritical as it is for me to say, please take care of yourselves, I sincerely mean it.
I’ll be back eventually.