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Please help. Bad Anxiety - Just need to not feel so alone and scared!!

FoxForce5 profile image
17 Replies

Hi I'm new here,

I've had anxiety all my life (I'm in my 40s). I've got C-PTSD from abuse and I live alone. Something happened recently which has sent me spiralling downward into anxiety & depression.

My meds aren't doing much & I'm taking way too many. I've told my doctor what happened. I have an appointment with a psychologist next Wednesday.

I'm in the middle of a bad attack and even after decades of this I cope with physical pain much better. Sitting up & deep breathing helps a little or talking to someone about it. I can't concentrate on anything like reading or TV.

I just want to not feel so alone and scared :( Why is this still so torturous??

Thanks, FF5 x

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FoxForce5 profile image
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17 Replies

Hi. I think it's awesome that you reached out. I'd like very much to be supportive to you. What can I do to help?

You're not alone. I'm here for you, I'll help anyway I can.

Matt_S profile image

You are not alone here this is a good place to be with anxiety and depression everyone cares a great deal about people in here, non judge mental, understanding, and compassion I have bad anxiety also reading CBT books, you tube on depression or talking to people on here helps a great deal for me, being out or just sitting in the sun does wonders for me too, so please reach out if you need to talk, it will get better, you just need to work with a tool box of thins that ease your mind.

FoxForce5 profile image

Thank you everybody xxx

I just burst into tears reading these replies. That usually helps a bit - the anxiety is such a build up of pressure.

I find it very hard to reach out and self-isolate a lot because of the abuse.

Hidden Thanks.. I don't really know. I think maybe you just did?

Gentlespirit profile image

You are not alone and I understand your scared. A lot has happened in your life.

Gentlespirit profile image

The soul that is deeply injured yearns for peace. Physical pain is preferable because its easier to deal with than mental emotional and other pain. Why does pain have to be visible? Even then it may be ignored or misunderstood.

My heart goes out to you and I understand. Be gentle with yourself. Be compassionate with yourself. Be kind with yourself. Be patient with yourself.

Give yourself permission to Be....

Gentlespirit profile image

Relief in support. I understand why you self isolate too though.

Gentlespirit profile image

You are not ok but give yourself compassion and understanding.

lovetodance2018 profile image

Thank you for reaching out and sharing. I know for me when I share on this forum. I feel better knowing I am not alone and there are others who know what I am experiencing. I am glad you called your psychologist and have an appointment. Do you have any friends you feel comfortable talking with? I know for me I have few techniques that help. I hope you might get some relief from trying them.

The 557 breathing technique is take 5 deep breaths in while thinking good thoughts about yourself like I matter, I am special, I am strong and then hold the breaths for the count of 7 focusing on those words about yourself, then let out the breath slowly for 5 seconds letting go of any anxious, self-defeating, unhealthy thoughts. I do this one to three times a sitting. The gratitude journal is writing down something good every morning and night something that went well in the day, or something I appreciate about myself. Taking our focus off of the anxiety and depression and focusing on positive uplifting things really helps. What you think is what you believe. So thinking uplifting things you believe those things but the reverse is true - thinking negative self-defeating things, you will believe those. Lastly, I have learned not to be so hard on myself and not setting unrealistic expectations for myself. Accepting that no one is perfect, that depression and anxiety is a disease and not my fault, and that I can only do the best I can and that's OK has helped me too. I will be praying for you. Feel free to pm me if you'd like to chat. Hugs and God Bless

alifran72 profile image

Sweet friend, I am so so sorry you are hurting so much. Anxiety and depression can be crippling at times. I also struggle with both of those. Medicine has helped but so has therapy. I know you mentioned you have an appointment with a psychologist next Wednesday but if you'd like to talk to someone sooner, please let me know. I can put you in contact with a licensed, professional counselor at no cost to you. You can speak with them on the phone. Please let me know if you'd like that connection. Please know that I am sending a huge hug your way💞

designguy profile image

Hi Fox, sorry to read what you are going through right now, I just went through a recent setback after doing well for a few years. It can be confusing and overwhelming.

One of the things that has helped me is the DARE Response program by Barry McDonagh and no i’m not being paid for this. As a long-time sufferer of anxiety disorder his book and program incorporates the best most practical education, advice, and practices on how to deal with, accept and recover from your anxiety. It’s very affordable and even has apps for your phone and daily prompts and coaching for you. It’s the kind of program I wish had been available to me years ago. There are videos and you can download the book right away.

When we get caught up in the anxiety cycle it's easy to forget the things that work for helping us cope and manage it, the book also works as a great resource to remind us.

FoxForce5 profile image

Thank you all for more replies. It's very early in the morning here but I keep waking up every few hours. The anxiety has gone down for now but been replaced by bad depression.

One of my problems is I wake up and feel like I have to solve all my problems here and now. I can never just accept how awful I feel, think "that's ok" and be in the moment.

Gratitude helps. I go through what I do have. The story of my life is being materially ok but emotionally/mentally very very not ok.

That's all I can manage atm. I just want to lie down. I feel so traumatised and alone.

pink318 profile image

I’m so sorry you are going through this. You are not alone, we are here for you. Continue to share. Online support groups like this can help you not to feel alone and less lonely. Feel free to post anytime. I hope you will be comforted here.

You can also write down your feelings in your journal to release your sadness. It’s like talking to a friend. I hope you feel better soon. God bless.

FoxForce5 profile image

Oh there are journals? Thanks :)

I'm practicing breathing exercises now. Been doing them for years and they *do* work, but they take a long time, are often uncomfortable and I'm used to quick fixes (even as children my brother and I were given pills/alcohol).

pam4him profile image

First, keep breathing. Second, there is possibly something your brain has decided it needs to be dealt with. Our minds are almost magical in how they can block out parts of trauma to allow us to keep moving forward in life. Eventually, the mind has to let something go to be processed. This kind of sounds like where you are. It is likely a temporary setback that needs processing. You are doing the right things to address whatever it is your mind is trying to let go of. Take care of you physically and spiritually. As for mentally, perhaps some journaling between sessions, a modification in your meds, and continue that deep breathing to stay calm. You got this! Prayers for peace, strength and guidance.

FoxForce5 profile image

pam4him You are spot on and I know what it is that needs to be let go of -- my mother (crying).

Thank you.. You are wise x

lovetodance2018 profile image

How are you doing this week? I have been praying for you. Hugs

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