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Can someone please make some sense out of physical sensations that are random, consistent, and without a trigger?

10 Replies

I am currently being treated with medication for 'Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic' (which I guess is comorbid GAD and Panic Disorder?) The panic disorder is new (within the past 2-3 months). My condition is severe enough that it requires everyday medication.

But I have a question, I will sometimes have the physical symptoms (i.e. trembling, cold, stronger heartbeat) that will be either be a consistent single symptom or consistent combo of symptoms....but without something triggering it. Has anyone else experienced this? And is it the GAD symptoms or the panic symptoms?


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10 Replies

Sorry, phobias aren't part of it. That was accidentally tagged.

BlueSky125 profile image

When you do have a panic attack are you getting the same symptoms just more extreme or are they completely different symptoms? I view GAD as being on egde , not being able to relax , worrying etc. I would say the symptoms your describing would be a low level panic attack.

in reply to BlueSky125

I'm not entirely sure on the correct answer to your question (not your fault)? This whole time has been really confusing and difficult for me, especially considering the circumstances with my medications. It is a complicated story and I'm keeping some details private (no offense at all). My first panic attack, I think, was in early January and I had already been doing well on medication for GAD (like none of these physical symptoms were present). I didn't even know that's what it was (I mean, the panic attack). Again, it's complicated.

But thank you SO MUCH for your insight!!

Oh yeah it's very common for you to have those feelings with generalized anxiety been there done that. When your nerves become sensitized even if you feel better for a while it takes time for your body to catch up the adrenaline and cortisol is released into your body much more easily when you have anxiety for a while sometimes you can't even recognize what triggers it. I'm proud to say I got over my anxiety and anxiety attacks in about one month's time. Now I know that sounds unrealistic but it's true. And I can give credit to three good CBT books that I read or I should say a big part of the credit because I am seeing a counselor. I think if you started off with hope and help for your nerves by Dr Claire weeks would be a tremendous help for you. You can get it on Amazon for about $10. I would also say that I've recommended this book to many here but for some reason nobody ever takes my advice I'm not sure why on buying the books I recommend. It's so sad cuz I know it could help them greatly much more than a therapist I believe.

Agora1 profile image

Hi ANMGraphicArt, there may not be a trigger causing your symptoms but I can tell you

that there is always adrenaline in your body just waiting. This is called "free floating anxiety" Think of a pot of Adrenaline on the stove. When you experience a true Panic or Anxiety Attack, it boils over. By the time the attack is over, there is still some left in the pot

and even though the gas is now on simmer, it just needs a thought, a sound, something you may see on tv to raise that flame and the adrenaline once again boils over.

Working on Breathing Meditation can help quell the adrenaline when on simmer so that it never gets to the boiling point. This is something to think about which helped me immensely. :) xx

Whiskers16 profile image

I have these symptoms from the minute I wake up and yes they seems to change throughout the day for no apparent reason.

Hello ANMGraphicArt....everything you feel and experience thats due to GAD is directly related to your body and its feedback system to your mind and emotions.The fuel it uses to express these symptoms arise mainly from Adrenalin and Noradrenalin via your nervous system.The brake and accelerator if you like.The astounding thing is how powerful a drop of adrenaline is, in your lifetime you may only produce a tablespoon of it yet it can do all this when you are unable to relax at rest.Timepass mentions a is alink to the pdf version.

(there are several links to be found via Dr.Google) which means you can read it before you buy and learn what happens ...why...and how to live alongside these symptoms.In so doing your reaction to these uncomfortable array of symptoms ..start to diminish.

I also believe that most anxiety states benefit from magnesium therapy as it helps your body to lessens the physical things that so often causes the mind to fret....again research

I hope you find these suggestions helpful, try to understand that these feelings are just feelings and that you can regain control once you understand the pattern and cycle of GAD.

Lots of great advice in this hub , do not be wishes.

Rafiki11 profile image

I wake up every morning with physical symptoms. The brain is often telling the body to prepare for “attack” based on past traumatic experiences. It’s normal but not particularly pleasant.

Breath135 profile image

Hi,I hope you are feeling as okay as can be in this present moment.

I understand ur the conflicting feelings of the physical manifestations, which stems from these “what feels like a curse” of “triggers.”

Good news! You have already realized the most important part about how your feeling ~“Triggers” Has something changed in your life, big or small that effected you traumatically? People, places, things?

Hope this doesn’t sound too silly, although what I’ve learned to date, is it’s time to practice self-compassion & self-love. Hardest task for most of us... unfortunately.

It’s a baby step journey (I’m just under a year in my healing journey stemming from Trauma).

You sound as though u r on the right path!

Even if “the trigger” doesn’t make sense at the time, there is a solid reason.

***In baby step fashion, journal/brainstorm on paper everyday & this eventually helps in getting in touch with where triggers are stemming from. It’s only for you, no one else.

Try reflecting on your day~who you spent ur time with & how u felt after you were with that person. Same for places & even things.

It’s surprising how much we learn from the reflection of the events of our day!

Sorry so long, my heart is with you...

Rdb034 profile image

Totally feel your pain. The most frustrating thing for me about my panic disorder is that everything seems fine and BAM! out of nowhere I have my awful physical symptoms and despite taking as needed meds for this I'm exhausted the rest of the day and basically useless. What I've gathered from counseling and reading about the disorder, the brain is rewired after trauma and our nervous system does not function normally. Three major parts of the brain are affected: hippocampus causing impaired memory), prefrontal cortex (inability to think rationally - no actual threat!), and the amygdala (causing hypervigilence). CBT (cognitive based therapy) seems to be most effective treatment for this condition. I hope you find inner peace 🙏

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