I’m tired : I’m so tired of feeling... - Anxiety and Depre...

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I’m tired

BrownEyesBlue profile image
23 Replies

I’m so tired of feeling this way. It’s like a CONSTANT panic attack. I always feel “off”; foggy; a pressure on the top of my head; off balance; like I can’t breathe; like I’m gonna have a heart attack; pains in my back, neck and shoulders. I cry. I fret and panic and make it worse. I try not to think about it but it’s always there. Always a bad stomach. I originally thought it was because of a medication I was on buspirone that was increased. My doctor told me to go back to my original dose, which I did but the feelings have still not gone away. I weaned myself off the meds and started feeling better. But the feelings are back. And while my depression tells me I want to die, I’m so scared that I’m gonna die. I’m crying all the time. I can’t function. I have no idea what to do 😭

I’m scared

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BrownEyesBlue profile image
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23 Replies
Jirachi profile image

I am literally going through the same! I have been having severe anxiety, chest pain, heart palpitations, pain in my neck, jaw and back, under my armpits and a lot more. I have had blood tests and they said that i have a b9 and a b12 deficiency and high thyroid levels but i think its much more that that as i am so unwell and never felt anything like it. I hope you feel better soon, it sounds similar to what is going on with me, i am so scared as well

Jirachi profile image
Jirachi in reply toJirachi

Also just stating mine is not because of depression although i do have depression, i think its something else. Have these pains just come on or have you always had them?

BrownEyesBlue profile image
BrownEyesBlue in reply toJirachi

They’ve just come on within the last couple of weeks. I just want it to stop 😔 for both of us!

BrownEyesBlue profile image
BrownEyesBlue in reply toJirachi

It’s the worst feeling in the world! I have thyroid disease as well; have never felt like this though! I just want it to stop. I’m sorry you’re going through the same. I’m scared I’m just gonna start to seizure or have a heart attack or stroke or die. That sounds SO dramatic but this feeling is so persistent. Do you find your chest “weird”? Like you can’t breathe but you can and like your chest is tight but it’s not. Fluttering. It’s hard to explain.

Jirachi profile image
Jirachi in reply toBrownEyesBlue

Honestly its like you’re describing what i’m sort of going through! I know how you feel, i have had to call ambulances out because i thought i was having a heart attack. I constantly feel like i cant breathe but i can, i’m not sure if it is serious anxiety but its there when i wake up and through the whole day till i sleep

BrownEyesBlue profile image
BrownEyesBlue in reply toJirachi

Mines to the point where I just want to sleep all the time. I don’t want to get out of bed 😞

Brightfuture22 profile image

Hi lovely!

I’m currently in the midst of a panic attack, and what you’re talking about is so similar to how I feel, daily.

I am constantly feeling like I am dying. The ruminating thoughts are overwhelming and take over my life.

As for symptoms, I have a Foggy head, lightheaded and/or dizzy, pressure in the top of my head and my face, especially in my nose/forehead. I feel like I have to consciously breathe, because If I don’t,l feel like I won’t/can’t breathe. I get tingling/numbness in my arms and legs when I’m in a full blown panic attack, as well as trembling uncontrollably.

Lately, my new symptoms are slight nausea and tingling in my face, which makes my anxiety even worse. I hate new symptoms. It’s like the anxiety knows I’m getting used to the previous symptoms and decides to through something new in to really hike up my panic.

I’m not on any medication except for Levothyroxine (Thyroid meds). I actually have a phobia of meds. So even though I should be taking other meds, I don’t.

I don’t have severe depression, but I have also had those thoughts of “Death seems like such an easier way out of this never ending cycle of anxiety and panic.” But even then, my legit fear of dying overrides that thought process every time.

I hope that you can find some reprieve soon, hun! Know that you’re not alone! 🖤

BrownEyesBlue profile image
BrownEyesBlue in reply toBrightfuture22

I’m sorry that’s happening to you! Seems spot on to how I feel. I try to talk to people and I get told “it’s your nerves”. And it’s annoying. I’m well aware of what it is but it’s SO difficult living it with daily; with no reprieve.

I hope you feel better soon ❤️

Brightfuture22 profile image
Brightfuture22 in reply toBrownEyesBlue

Agreed! For me, the worst part is the lightheaded feeling. I immediately go into a panic that I’m about to pass out. (and die, because let’s face it, my anxiety has me equating passing out with death)

I get chest pains, other weird and random pains, tingling, odd sensations etc. as well. But feeling like I’m on the verge of passing out, or like I am spinning, is the worst for me. My heart rate spikes tremendously, I start to sweat, tremble, I can’t talk, have to focus on my breathing, and deal with the influx of adrenaline because my ‘fight or flight’ response has kicked in due to my panic.

This is what happened to me this morning. I was minding my own business, just finished eating breakfast, ready to start a lazy Sunday and then out of no where, I felt like I was floating or like I was lightheaded but also weak or physically light, it’s hard to describe. It’s also freaking horrible and sets me into a huge tailspin.

BrownEyesBlue profile image
BrownEyesBlue in reply toBrightfuture22

Yes! It’s brutal. And the fact I’m “okay” and then it just happens, is such a blow. I’m no good then for the rest of the day and I’m constantly worried when it will happen again. I find my eyes hurt (things are too bright; then it’s like it goes dim) my ears ring, and even tonight my collarbone is aching. It’s hard to snap myself out of it and I end up making it worse by panicking about it. The advice to “keep busy” is good and all but that feeling comes regardless and it takes over no matter how hard I try to fight it.

I hope you feel better soon ❤️

Brightfuture22 profile image
Brightfuture22 in reply toBrownEyesBlue

Yup, that’s the brutality of anxiety. No matter what you do, it comes for you. I can be good for a week or two and then bam! I’m hit with a panic attack like no other before and the subsequent week(s) is hell. 😩

BrownEyesBlue profile image
BrownEyesBlue in reply toBrightfuture22

Yes. I haven’t been able to sleep tonight and it’s 3 in the morning here. I’ll be tired tomorrow and dealing with this will be so much more difficult. I wish people understood how bad this is actually is 😞

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply toBrownEyesBlue


lovetodance2018 profile image

Thank you for reaching out and sharing. I am so sorry you are struggling. I know those horrible thoughts and feelings. Part of depression and anxiety is chemical and the other part is our thoughts. I actually experienced the nausea when my anti-depressant was increased. I actually thought I was pregnant again. Once they adjust my medication, I began to feel better. But totally going off the medication, does not help with the chemical imbalance. You have to get the right dosage to feel better along with counseling. We have triggers that cause the anxiety and depression to spiral. If we can catch those triggers and symptoms in time, we can avoid spiraling so deeply. For me I have three things that work as I start feeling that anxiety and change of thoughts I pray and say I am not going to spiral. I can stay strong. This is temporary and not who I am. I listen to uplifting Christian Music like God Will Make a Way.

The other two things are:

The 557 breathing technique is take 5 deep breaths in while thinking good thoughts about yourself like I matter, I am special, I am strong and then hold the breaths for the count of 7 focusing on those words about yourself, then let out the breath slowly for 5 seconds letting go of any anxious, self-defeating, unhealthy thought. I do this one to three times a sitting. The gratitude journal is writing down something good every morning and night something that went well in the day, or something I appreciate about myself. Taking our focus off of the anxiety and depression and focusing on positive uplifting things really helps. What you think is what you believe. So thinking uplifting things you believe those things but the reverse is true - thinking negative self-defeating things, you will believe those. I will be praying for you. Feel free to pm me if you'd like to chat. Hugs and God Bless

I’ve been feeling the same way!! Constant panic attack. I literally always feel sick and “off”. I’ve been crying so much over it too. I work all day and get through it and then when I get home I just break down because I’m sick of fighting through all the crazy symptoms every single day. It‘s so tiring. I’m sorry you’re suffering too. I’m here if you ever need to talk.

BrownEyesBlue profile image
BrownEyesBlue in reply to

Thank you and I’m sorry you’re going through it as well. It’s a struggle to get through the day. I totally understand ❤️

I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been feeling this way. I think with everything going on it’s been really tough on a lot of people’s mental health.

I am confident to tell you though that everything you’re experiencing are just symptoms of your anxiety/depression. A year ago at the end of January, I was in the same boat as you. It’s a very exhausting feeling but I promise it’s just feelings, it sucks but they’ll never last.

It took me some time to learn to cope and become acquainted with it, I think the most important thing that you could do is remind yourself that these feelings and sensations are not reality and that they are merely something you’re going through not who you are.

Practice deep breathing, I know it’s SO overused but believe me it helps. I also would suggest that when you feeling like your heart is racing to run your wrists/hands under cold water for a little bit, it helps slow it down. Swimmers do it before they go swimming. With the light-headed/foggy feeling, sleep is vital but if it’s not enough magnesium glycinate is supposed to help with that and stress, it should be a supplement and not a medication.

I can’t promise that any of these suggestions will work because it’s different for everyone. I know these attacks are unsettling and uncomfortable but fighting them is so important, take it from someone who used to run or “flee” from them all the time. I hope something I said helped and that you feel better soon 🖤

BrownEyesBlue profile image
BrownEyesBlue in reply togilded_masquerade

Thank you. I’ll be trying the cold water on my hands and wrists. I’ve found that a cold pack on my neck has helped too. I just can’t shake the feeling and that’s what sucks. And when I have the feeling (especially in the chest and head area) I panic even more because I’m afraid I’m having a stroke or a heart attack or I’m going to have a seizure. My family looks at me like I’m crazy but it’s bothering me a lot. Tonight my eye sight seemed to be affected as everything went blurry. I freaked out. I’m scared. And I’m trying everything to help myself but I can’t help also being focused on these symptoms and that’s ALLL I think about. I’m really scared there’s something really wrong and I know I’m only making myself worse. I try the deep breathing but I end up breaking down and crying. Nothing seems to work but for a little while. That fleeting feeling; fluttering; heart racing; tightness in my chest kills me. The back of my head and light headed. I feel like a broken record and I’m trying even though I just want to stop it all 😞

gilded_masquerade profile image
gilded_masquerade in reply toBrownEyesBlue

It can very difficult and most people can’t seem to understand unless they themselves are going through it too.

Maybe try being a scientist when these thoughts enter your mind, challenge them. So for example, your neck hurts and it’s going up your head and you’re thinking the worst, try countering it with “oh well I did a workout today so I must’ve overdone something” or “I probably slept on my neck wrong”. These are poor examples but hopefully it makes sense 😅

I have an anxiety/phobia textbook and in it, it says that almost 95% of our worries will never happen and that thankfully, anxiety can’t kill you. Not at all possible. Reading that brought me some comfort.

The only other things I can think to suggest is lavender because it helps calm you but if there’s something else that works then try that. camomile tea does wonders! And there’s a song, no singing but it helps relax you it’s called “weightless” by marconi union and it’s literally for anxiety, just DON’T listen to it while driving, it can make you sleepy.

Journaling can help a lot too, the thing I use the most is that I write in detail what’s bothering me along with two columns, one for my thoughts the other for my emotions. Then underneath I write a “challenge” column, you write down things like “I know my heart is racing but I also know it can’t hurt me” stuff like that. Sometimes it’s better than trying to talk to the inner critic.

Also, apparently naming said inner critic helps because in the event that you feel something coming up, you can say “thank you (name) for bringing this to my attention I will take it into consideration”.

These feelings and sensations are shitty (pardon the language) but it’s just an alarm of sorts, nothing more. I promise :)

Hopefully something helps but if not we’re always here to do whatever we can :) 🖤

nkotbjoeymc profile image

I Know How You Feel.

Lately I Can Barely Keep Awake.

My Thyroid Must Be Off.

JkBauer profile image

Good afternoon, I am sorry that you are going through this anxiety and fear. I remember way back in my teen/ teenage years of the anxiety and fear I was going through. My parents would not even help me. I felt like I was all alone and that made me all the more afraid. - The one and only thing that my parents did was send me off on a school bus to church so I did not disturb their sleep and quiet time. - They did not know how much this was going to help me. There were many people at the church who took interest in me. - I learned that the only way I could get rid of that anxiety and fear was to talk to God and tell Him how I felt. Then one Sunday the pastor was talking on the steps to Salvation with God. - I decided at the age of 9 years old I needed Jesus to help me get through all of this anxiety and fear. Here is what I learned: 1). GOD LOVES YOU and has a purpose for you. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) 2). SIN separates us from GOD. Or all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23) No bridge reaches God except One. 3). God's Bridge Is the Cross. "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6) Jesus is the Only Way. 4). Our response -TRUST JESUS " But all who did receive him, who believes in his name, he gave the right to become the children of God." (John 1:12) - Will You Recieve Jesus Christ Right Now?- Here's how: 1). Admit you are a sinner. 2). Be willing to repent of your sins.3). Believe that Jesus Christ died for you on the cross and rose from the grave. 4). Pray a prayer like this: Dear God, I know that I am a sinner. I want to turn away from my sins, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe He died for my sins and that You raised Him to life. I want Him to come into my heart and to take control of my life. I want to trust Jesus Christ as my personal Lord from this day forward, In Jesus Name, Amen. - When I prayed this prayer and started talking to Him and asking Him for help, I started to notice that my anxiety and fear were starting to leave and started feeling more of peace and love and hope in my life. - I hope that you will find peace and hope here. I will pray for you! God bless you!

lovetodance2018 profile image

How are you doing this week? I have been praying for you. Hugs

BrownEyesBlue profile image
BrownEyesBlue in reply tolovetodance2018

I’m thankfully starting to feel better. Still not 100% but getting there. Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️

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