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Energy being around people as a sensitive person ✨

Starrlight profile image
26 Replies

My energy gets drained when I’m around people, especially certain people. It’s like I sense their energies, their emotions, and I end up feeling drained and with headaches and feeling anxious and restless 😬 I wonder if there is any way to block this out. ....

Aaaaand just as I’m writing this I am tearing up because someone close to me hurt me because I am sensitive to negativity given and I try ignoring but it cracks my heart. I just want to feel like I’m okay; good enough; I want to feel like I’m home, like really home. I want to be in a heaven how I imagine one to be... I want to....I’m so done ✅

Is anyone else an empath? How do you protect yourself? I bet most of you are. Do you just push it away? Thanks for listening 🎧

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Starrlight profile image
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26 Replies
Blueruth profile image

I’m sorry for your pain.

I don’t think I am an empath but I know we all absorb other people’s energy. Some thrive. I need to get away if it is too much. That is why working remotely is good for me. I am always hurt by some jerk. (I am a woman in a male dominated field)The last 4 years I felt passionate enough to deal with being around groups of people for the same cause but it was often difficult. The pandemic has had its upside :). I told them this week I need to step back and be a regular volunteer without major commitments. They don’t get it... I think I lost those friends. I love to travel and enjoy meeting others randomly but I am happy to explore alone.

Bottom line is I think being able to adapt to how you are instead of fighting it is good. Maybe practice letting people you like upfront. I know that is hard.

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Blueruth

As an add... blocking it is never an answer. Simple meditation might help. It is about allow those feelings to pass on rather than blocking them.

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to Blueruth

Meditation does help me. 😊 🙏 thanks that makes sense to adapt not fight

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Starrlight

Meditation seems to be a theme today! I should probably go do some!

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to Blueruth

Rain72 profile image

Hi, Starlight. I’m an empath also, and I know exactly what you mean. I think that’s why I find living alone so much easier. Are you dealing with a full household? Do you have a safe space to retreat to? In “normal” times, I have to limit the amount of time I’m with other people and/or in a crowd — crowds are the worst! I haven’t really found a way to protect myself beyond retreat and quiet. 🙏

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to Rain72

I like being alone too. Yes I have to limit my time with people too. And avoid certain people at times. 🙏 😊

Rain72 profile image
Rain72 in reply to Starrlight

Of course, the upside is that I also feel others’ positive emotions. I’ll find myself smiling when I see or hear someone laughing. :)

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to Rain72


c-mac profile image

I spent a lot of time in Al-Anon in my twenties, and we learned to make our love tougher around people who needed more than we could safely give. The key is to realize that not being a crutch for them is one of the most nurturing things you can do for their growth and well-being. And most importantly, it keeps you sane and healthy and capable of steering the ship.

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to c-mac


health1967 profile image

can relate to this.i literally feel stressed around certain people.especially when they start talking n rant on n on...

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to health1967


Hello, Starrlight,

I completely understand how you feel, as I, also, am an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) and an Empath. And I read people’s energy, as well as the energy around situations. And I am actually dealing with a very similar situation right now, as I was just hurt by someone and it is so painful that I have not even been functioning normally. But I already wasn’t functioning normally, before this, as I have been dealing with depression, so this has just affected me even more. But I want to level with you and be brutally honest by saying that, as much as I hate to tell you this, there is just not any way to block out the intense emotions of being an HSP and an Empath. As I have done a lot of research on this and it is, literally, wired into our DNA to be this way and we cannot change this about ourselves. And the reality is that we are always going to feel everything very deeply. And, yes, it is going to be hard to deal with at times. But there are so many advantages to being an HSP and an Empath, that if we learn how to use these gifts, as a strength, then the possibilities and rewards can be great. So while we feel pain very deeply, we also feel happiness and joy much deeper than the average person who is not an HSP or an Empath. So with that being said and speaking from experience, because I am suffering right now, best advice on how to deal with the hurt and pain is to #1....confront the person that hurt you and let them know how you are feeling and that they hurt you. As they need to take accountability for what they did that hurt you. You need to lay down your boundaries with this person, or they will probably just keep on hurting you the way they did before. So don’t allow them to continue hurting you, because you deserve better than that! And #2....Try to get your mind off the pain by getting yourself busy with something else; ie anything to distract you from what you’re feeling. And #3....Assure yourself that you are not only worthwhile, but that you deserve only the best out of life....because that is your God given right as a human being and also because you are a wonderful person. I hope this helps and as always, Starr, you are in my thoughts and prayers. May God bless you and bring you peace in this matter and also in all that you do. All my love to you!!! 🌿🌷🌿💗🌿🌷🌿

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to MidnightBriarRose

I need to ignore some, as explaining that something they did hurt me will not work as they are defensive and closed off, so I ignore them. I have tried believe me, they are sick and in their warped world I am too sensitive therefore my feelings don’t matter to them. You are very beautiful Midnight! 🌚

Starlight, seems like u are not the only one with this problem. I too am exact like u. One thing I have learnt to do is to make sure I spend few minutes with people, just to show myself that I am around and then I'll be gone before they know it, I don't even tell anyone I am leaving. Sometimes I call and apologize that I won't be there bcz crowd for some people is a bit of a problem. It just nice to know I am not the only one

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to

Yeah at parties I always look for opportunities to slip away from the people and just be... where the vibes are gone... and where no one can hurt me. I’m really fed up with people today I have been hurt already three times in such a short period of time, by three different people. So tiring isn’t it?

in reply to Starrlight

It is very much tiring, Sorry. I wish there was a solution for our problem tho. But since I have found HU, I slip away and just find people to chat with and I'll be fine.

Dolphin14 profile image

Boundaries, lots of boundaries. It's taken me awhile to be able to do this.

But, I won't let people take me down anymore. Over the last 6 months I have used the " block user " feature on my phone quite often.

People can really suck the life out of us . I would rather be with a dog. Just spend some time with Toady:)

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to Dolphin14

Haha yes !!!! Toady. And boundaries. I think I may need to work on boundaries.

Hi Starrlight, I isolate my self from others a lot, maybe to an unhealthy degree. It was probably a good thing my financial circumstances forced me to move back in with my parents after living alone 20 years, although our living situation is far from perfect. I find myself hiding in rooms often. As with many other things in life, it’s a case of you’re darned if you do & you’re darned if you don’t.

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to

What is perfect though? I hate my living arrangement but it could actually be worse. I hide too. 😉

in reply to Starrlight


Ganeshh profile image

Hey, sorry for they pain that has happened to you. I find it most productive to work on yourself (currently working on it myself). In my experience it was hard for me to love others if i don't love myself, even now its easier to say these words to you then myself because I feel i don't deserve it, but i do and so do you. You have to fill your own cup in a sense before you can pour into someone elses, practice self compassion. I don't mean to sound like the blind leading the blind here, but i'm echoing what's been told to me. Hope this helps, and hang in there your worth it.

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to Ganeshh

I agree... self compassion is important. We try.

I am simlar i can always sense different emotional and know some users just like start trouble and will blocked them . I try not show to anyone in real life since nobody give the crap . that also thing called masking that i do lots . stay at home most of time . playing video gaming .

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