So the last month I’ve noticed things. Please tell me if you battle the same issues.
1: sleepy (extra sleepy)
2: memory issues, forgetting a lot
3: tired all the time, a constant feeling of fatigue
4: way more anxious
5: not sleeping good
6: headaches
7: having issues driving long distance
8: racing thoughts
9: head pressure
10: body aches and pains
11: no energy
12: over thinking everything
13: ear pain
14: hard time focusing
15: sweating for no reason
16: heart racing at random times
17: loss of breath
18: super uncomfortable all the time
I’m not looking for medical advice, but I would like to know if anyone else is dealing with this and what you’ve done to feel better? If anything.
I check my sugar levels every other day and those have been normal thank goodness! I’ve lost a total of 36 pounds and started working out and going for walks, but since this hit I haven’t done anything at all! I’ve even gained weight 6 pounds
I’m gonna go see a doctor in a couple weeks. I don’t drink or do drugs. Of course I googled it and there was a list of things. Doctor google scares me! I don’t even know why I get on there... please help!