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(*trigger warning* anxiety, ptsd) serious anxiety about losing more family members

5 Replies

Hello all! I hope you are doing okay. I wanted to come on here and express my feelings about worrying for my loved ones. I lost my dad in April within a moments notice and I’m working through the motions but have found I’m constantly thinking about losing more family members. It scares me to think one of my family members or friends could die by doing such simple things like driving to the store and getting into a car accident(car accidents frighten me so much). I worry about losing my mom and siblings, AND I also worry about family members I don’t even have yet. I am 23 and unmarried but I dream of having a family of my own one day. I get EXTREME anxiety thinking about my future husband/future kids that I don’t even have yet dying. I don’t even have children but I stay in bed anxious at night thinking I could give birth to a child and one day lose that child. I feel like I’m crazy for that but I know it’s the worst loss anyone could go through and fear it will happen to me one day(If any of you have gone through losses like this my heart is with you!) ... I partially find comfort because I do believe in god (not really a particular one but I believe in my heart that there is an afterlife) and souls living on. But I wish I could stop thinking these thoughts. I wish the world was a safer place.

5 Replies
krazy-girl profile image

Hi Catmom1997, sounds to me you need to learn how to ground yourself and remember that hopes and dreams are good and dying is a part of living but you need to learn how to keep yourself in the here and now and maybe not think of what will happen with you in the future and maybe focus on what you want with your life today. Sounds to me that you are making yourself sick from being anxious and becoming overwhelmed.

Do you practice mindfulness? It’s like guided meditation. And remember to breathe and talk to yourself in positive thoughts everyday. It’s called affirmations



Shnookie profile image

Hi I’m Shnookie. So sorry 😐 to hear about the loss Of your father. You R still processing his death. What might help U isCognitive therapy. This will help U slow down your thought and cut down on

Catastrophizing. Do U go to a therapist. R

U on any meds. There is also meditation, deep breathing exercise and listening to music that U like. I’m here 4 U

hugs 🤗 M

Yass_123 profile image

Hi I'm not as young as you but I know how u r feeling I have always worried and death of my husband recently due to covid has made me think more im really trying to practice my religion as the thinking will not stop unless we stop it we cannot change what is meant to be but we can try to stop worrying enjoy life instead of worrying I know its difficult u are only young try doing something you enjoy or helping others in need at least when our time is up we will be remembered because no matter how much we worry what meant to be will be take care🙂

Starrlight profile image


crowningglory19 profile image

I'm so sorry for your great and sudden loss, nothing makes that better, but time will soften it's blow. Regarding your anxiety, it sounds like your body is depleted from the stress. Getting a good multivitamin that has extra magnesium and B complex vitamins will help a lot to deal with stress better. magnesium is good for calming your mind body and spirit and will help you sleep better too. Magnesium glycinate is best to stop anxiety or a good complex magnesium. Don't get magnesium citrate as it gives diarrhea. Also, ginseng is great to get rid of sticky negative thoughts that loop so you won't keep thinking them over and over. Do something in honor of you father, that will help you and someone else too, like a charity in his name or volunteering in honor of him. Also, write out the good memories, it will help you focus on his life rather than death. I know these will help you, please try them. Blessings to you dear.

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