Hard to get relaxed at nightI just feel like something bad will happen if I go to sleep. I will never be safe. I feel like evil is always right outside my bedroom door. I hate to get into it this much. I’d rather say I’m scared. Or having bad memories. There’s just so much to get over, I don’t know how I am going to survive.... or live with this for the rest of my life. It’s not getting easier. My real life isn’t more active and important like I thought it would be when I was younger and going through it. I thought as an adult, I would have a chance of forgetting what happened, boy was I an idiot! I’m glad I have somewhere to go when I cannot sleep. (Which is here, chatting online with you all ) I’m so depressed, barely hanging on anymore with very brief moments of happiness that so quickly are gone. I used to want hugs but now i don’t care.
Nighttime Anxiety (Trigger Warning) - Anxiety and Depre...
Nighttime Anxiety (Trigger Warning)
I just posted something really similar! My friends know night is the worst time for me but I never wanted to message them or my family because I was too embarrassed and didn’t want them to worry. I’ve only been on here a couple of days but It is soothing to read posts on here 💛

Ive been here for couples of days too and is the same to me at night and when I am by myself. I wish I have friends where I live, people to talk to, it would be more easy. All my friends and family are away, most days the only people I talk to are my coworkers.
Thank you for saying something here. This is what makes this a great place. These feeling get so overwhelming sometimes not so bad, then wham real negative, not being alone now finally feels good.. thanks for being here with me, and us all !
That is my exact story which is why I was a workaholic! Trying to find a real social life with hobbies and friends outside of work. Message here when you’re struggling 💛
Is good that you have a place to go when you can't sleep. I think the same thing what if I never get better, how I will live with this for the rest of my life. best wishes.
Depression and anxiety is settling in more keeping a tight hold on you. Its ok. Your going to be ok.The overwhelming feelings can be debilitating. Paralyzing. You do not need to keep pushing yourself. Take a break or stop and just focus on getting grounded.
Do something for yourself that you enjoy. Distract yourself. Good movie? Good music or book? Writing or drawing? Or just taking a nap or a walk.
Be patient with yourself whatever you decide to do.
Acceptance can be freeing. Its ok to do the best you can do but live your life as best you can and release yourself from unrealistic expectations. It's a struggle and things don't always turn out the way hoped for yet what if??