Am worried if I would get any call for the new year, this has really get me down. Am pretty sure I won't get any
Worried and depressed: Am worried if I... - Anxiety and Depre...
Worried and depressed
New Year's Eve is really hard for so many of us Jubmay. I feel the same way you do, not just when the New Year comes but on my birthday too. I always worry about whether anyone will wish me a happy birthday or a happy new year, but what I've tried doing in the past few years is to plan something for myself in advance that will distract me and give me pleasure. In the case of New Years, I try to avoid the tv celebrations because those always bring me down. Instead I will watch a really great movie or something that I know will make me happy. Then if people call me it's great, but if not, I don't let myself get too down. I know it's easier said than done but I hope it helps to know that you are not alone and that there are other people out there who connect very much to what you said in your post.
Im sorry you’re feeling this Jubmay yes you’re not alone!! Hugs to you ((((((hugs)))))) 💞💞and I do wish and hope a much happier better year ahead for you and all of us on here!!☺️🤩