Hello I am new to this group. Hoping to get some advice from people who are suffering from childhood trauma (mental,sexual,physical) abuse. And how to overcome this
Depressed : Hello I am new to this... - Anxiety and Depre...

Childhood trauma is the worst...it sets you up on a default bad path for the rest of your life...I’m here if you ever want to talk 😞
I can relate to your childhood trauma except for the sexual abuse. The physical abuse was easy compared to the emotional/verbal abuse...so hard to shake that sh** off! We were programmed for negative self-talk and self-loathing. What a crock! It has taken me many years to handle this battle and it tends to re-surface every single time I get depressed, like clockwork. I logically know that those words aren’t true today as I have proven that fact many times over, so why let them control me? They’re lies. I don’t have to believe it. I try to let that sh**go and stay out of the past. It can’t be changed. Those words have caused me so much pain over the years and I’m sick to death of it! I know the truth, who I really am, and I’m doing my best to let dead dogs lie. Wishing you peace of mind, my friend! 🌞

Thank you. Yes negative self talk is so harmful. But it is all I know. It’s hard to look in the mirror and find anything positive about myself. I’m sure there is good in me, because people tell me there is, BUT I do not see it. I hate everything about myself.
Oh being abused as a child is horrible, been there, done that. Somehow I have been able to forgive the people who abused me although it's left some scars on me. I'm here for you, cheering you on! Love, peace, joy, light & hugs!!!

Thank you. That is probably the hardest part is forgiving them. 3 male family members. Even though I have had no contact with any of them in 30+ yrs I still carry the resentments. I have trust issues and would like to be in a relationship some day but do not feel I deserve one. Enjoy your day
I hear what you're saying, one of mine was my brother, he lives behind me but you know what....we won't have to answer for that 1 one day, isn't that a good feeling to know that? I have trust issues my own self, that's okay too, we can work on that one, right? You deserve to be in a relationship, don't sell yourself short. Start feeding positive in your brain, it does help.I'm here for you! Love, peace, joy, light & hugs!!!

Thank you again. It’s nice to hear that we can move on. Today is the first day in about 3 weeks that I did not wake up in a total meltdown or had any Suicidal thoughts. I still can’t look in the mirror and be happy with what I see but hopefully someday
Well sounds like you had a good start to your day, that's wonderful, I'm very happy for you! Ya know it's not about the outside but our inside, the heart! I'm here for you! Have a beautiful day! Love, peace, joy, light & hugs!!

Yes I have a very big heart according to most people. But I feel it’s also Full of scar tissue and calloused. This Sunday I’m gonna start going back to church thank you for all your support and kind words
Yes I think a lot of us on here have big hearts, I know I do. Maybe it's time to let go of the past? I have and have been through an awful lot in my life, yet to move forward it helps to let go. Love, peace, joy, light & hugs!!!
Yes I have a very big heart according to most people. But I feel it’s also Full of scar tissue and calloused. This Sunday I’m gonna start going back to church thank you for all your support and kind words
Offroadjeep- At five I suffered sexual abuse...I proceeded to wish for death till I was 30 years old. I held everything in and never let anyone know what I was going through....this didn’t help. When I decided to get help the mending process started. I will always be affected by the trauma but I have learned to not allow it to rule me. I gave to much power to my offender. Have you sought a good counselor, pastor or mentor to help you work through what you have been through? I know it is hard but it is so worth the time to begin the healing process. I know of a really good book too....its Mending the Soul by Steven Tracy. Praying for you - Rachel
All such great advice. You should also see a Trauma Therapist or join a trauma support group. There’s also outpatient group therapy for trauma. I’m sorry you endured so much. We’re definitely all here for you 💜
Thank you Rachel. I have an appointment with a counselor on September 13. I will check into the book thank you so much have a blessed day
Thank you. I have never heard of a trauma therapist but I will definitely check into that have a blessed day
Has anybody on here ever tried to communicate with the DR. Phil show. I myself feel that this might be my last cry for help. My depression is at its highest and it is Debilitating me I’m so lost and hopeless
Has anybody on here ever tried to communicate with the DR. Phil show. I myself feel that this might be my last cry for help. My depression is at its highest and it is Debilitating me I’m so lost and hopeless
Does anybody know of any anxiety depression groups that I can attend in San Diego California that are free of charge
Does anybody know of any anxiety depression groups that I can attend in San Diego California that are free of charge
I wish there was a quick fix, but if there is I haven't found it. What I have learned is it takes courage to face the past, to move from victim to overcomer. For me it took a combination of some medication and counseling. And it took more than one round. But each time the meds were milder, the counseling fewer sessions. I learned coping skills and how to take care of myself mentally, to take breaks and speak up for myself when I start feeling overwhelmed. I encourage you to look into a treatment plan and prayers for strength, hope, courage and wisdom to pursue better mental health.