How is everyone feeling today? Has anyone gotten ECT treatment for their depression?
ECT treatment : How is everyone feeling... - Anxiety and Depre...
ECT treatment
Yes - during 2 admissions and outpatient.
I will say I started ECT during my 2nd admission - was feeling desperate. ECT was restarted during my 3rd admission and then upon discharge. The first time I didn’t mind but then I found it really hard (emotionally)
Do you feel like it helped you at all? I've been on so many different anti-depressants and none of them have really helped me. I am afraid of going back to the hospital. How are you doing now?

It’s has to say if it helped - was in therapy and had lots of medication changes so overall got better at that time. Things now are going downhill - I am not agreeing to more ECT (no specific reason just don’t want to go through it again). The team has mentioned Transcranial Brain Stimulation but not sure how I feel about that.
I'm reading about Transcranial Brain Stimulation now...
I'm so sorry you're not feeling good. If you ever need someone to vent to, I'm here. I've had depression since I was a teenager, so I understand how dark a mind can get. Just know you're never truly alone. Sending you some good thoughts.
Hello Catapult Personally never had ECT, however yes I used to know a person who had several courses of it when younger, it affected Her Memory for a time.
Over the mid term She lost Her memory and felt blown out with the treatment.
If you are depressed talk to your Doctor before any advice on having treatment, remembering there were side effects on occasions think before you jump
Thx. I will def talk to my doc. I'm sorry about your friend. That is heartbreaking.
I’ve had TMS not entirely sure that it has helped matters.
I'm sorry. My doc mentioned me getting TMS. I just haven't had much luck with anti-depressants.
I had 32 ECT Txs over 2 times in the hospital. The first 6 in the hospital and then 12 as an out patient. I lost some long term memory permantly. The ECT didn’t help my major depression. It has been effective with Bi-Polar depression. I am getting g Transcranial Direct Current once a week for 25 min and this has helped me to beable to manage my depression better. It feels like a bee sting when it starts and doesn’t effect your memory. Look into it before trying ECT. There are home units to by and do yourself under a therapist’s care if the txs work. This is non invasive and ECT is evasive. I am still on antidepressants but this is my secondary plan I use also. I pray you will find a tx that is right for you
Thx so much for sharing, and thx for the prayers! I will def check into it.

I have been doing Transcranial direct current for 2 years. I don’t have major depressions like I use to. Now I have a home unit so I can do it daily if I need to. To maintain my depression I give myself a tx 3 times a week and check in with my therapist 1 a month.
I am glad you no longer have major depressions. I am so sorry you ever had to have them. I need to ask my doc about that treatment. Maybe it would help me, too! Keep taking care of yourself. x
Hello, while I was studying mental health at uni I was involved in a lady’s treatment of ECT. It changed her life for the better! She was resistant to every other form of treatment and she was so anxious about the ect but it worked out so well for her.