severely depressed for almost two years. Nothing else has seemed to help.
ECT has anyone tried it for treatment... - Anxiety and Depre...
ECT has anyone tried it for treatment resistant depression

Hey Jake,
Can I ask, are you currently undergoing ECT, or just considering it right now? I'm not going to lie to you - and I know it is known to help many people - but I was treated with ECT for a few months, and it wrecked my life because I could no longer remember many important things. I still can't, and it has been almost three-four months since I ended the treatment and told my doctor I have to look for something else.
This past summer I went on an entire week-long vacation, and I can't remember a single detail of it - it's like it never happened. Also, I feel like my mental processing has been slowed considerably, across the board.
I don't say these things to dissuade you, but just to add some perspective from someone who first underwent esketamine treatment, which I didn't appreciate at the time and then went on to ECT, but now realize esketamine was actually much more effective in my treatment.
Wishing you nothing but the best; if you want to, let me know what direction you decide to take!
Well, just make sure you know the differences between ketamine like Musk is referring to, and esketamine, which is a clinically-controlled dose administration that you have to go into the office to receive under direct supervision. I think he's referring to something a little different.
Yes, and he also does other non prescription drugs with it. I don't want to say more and turn this political.
Hi Jakeismydog
Your bio says 2 years and treatment resistant. I’m curious how that is determined and are your providers saying it.
I’m only saying it took me 12 years to finally find my answers for both bipolar depression and anxiety,
It would seem that for that amount of time it might be a challenge to know that yet.
For me, the solution was raising dosages quite severely. It can take months or even years to see the affects of incremental dosage increases or finding the correct medication cocktail.
In problem solving it’s imperative to know where we have been to know where to go on this many times dark winding road.
You have maybe the best sounding board a sufferer could have on here.
People, you really want to have the best results of finding recovery . Think about sharing what you’ve tried.
Ya just never know, in this extremely complicated world of mental illness, who and what might help
Best to you
Well I have tried SEVERAL antidepressants along with TMS, psilocybin and ketamine. My depression is so severe, I have emotional numbness. Living second by second. I was a high functioning critical care nurse for 38 years. Now I can barely leave the house. I started lithium at a low dose of 300 mg. Afraid to go up because if I do start ECT I would have to go off it. Idk Maybe I should go ahead and increase it?
i've been exactly where you are. Have you been to or consider a hosiptal. I'm high functioning also
Going to try a partial in patient thing where you go 5 days a week. Going to call a psychiatrist that specializes in treatment resistant depression tomorrow. This is so difficult. This is not me. I am living second by second.
we always need to check with our docs but i was at 900 mg lithium
went to hospital. They dumped my lithium, since my kidney readings were excelerated and went with Lamitrogine , Citalopram , and Trazadone and that was my answer. Mg around 100 for each
they told me i was severly undermedicated.
outside providers were pretty passive. For example they took my Buspar from 10 mg to 60 mg a day
second to second means to me, get someone to take care of you, like i did.
of course people on here have tried hosiptals with sometimes less than stellar results , but your in the biz of hospital care
what do you think of that as an option if its to rough
i tried tireleesly for 12 years for the correct mix and was spent, so it was nice to have them take over
What is your diagnosis?
Bi polar 1
I have treatment resistant depression with PTSD. Trying lithium. At 300 mg with remeron 7.5 mg. Afraid to go up on the lithium because I am thinking of doing ECT. Idk. I truly wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy!!! I have a loving husband, great kids, my home and cars are paid off, but I hurt so bad.
Can't remember if I mentioned to you in another post how TMS was a life changer and life saver (literally)for me. I was on meds for decades and became treatment resistant. My therapist recommended TMS. I've had 3 rounds and the positive results of the third are still working after 3 years. The first two each lasted about 6 months each. I would consider that(personally) before ECT. I had a friend who had memory loss because of ECT; it's not uncommon. Perhaps talk to your doctor about TMS as a possibility.