You will !
Making it through !: You will ! - Anxiety and Depre...
Making it through !

Work on your thinking every day things will start to improve !
Como se va mon Ami. C’est Shnookie. Yes I’ve been confronted by certain terrible things in my life and navigated thru them and was stronger at the end. I lived with my beloved mommy and became her sole caregiver when she was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer in September2014 until her death in January 2016. I had taken care of my mom b4, but this was a bit more challenging. I told the doctor that I would give my mom the diagnosis which was the best thing to do and from there me and mom went thru the journey together
Including me staying with her in the hospital 3 times, doing wound care,etc.
tho my mom was my best friend at times things were difficult but we had heart felt conversation and she encouraged me to go on with her life after she passed on. I think of her every day but am happy that I was able to provide her with comfort and love at the end of her life. Hugs 🤗 S
This is perfect Thank you 🙏 😊
Thank you so much gerrerd.thats so positive 😊
Powerful man.
That’s my exact thoughts every single day.i mean Christ it’s like a full time job dealing with just life.
I do find though that the ppl who have a perfect well rich life are the most judgemental miserable fxxxcks.
I think I’ve got pretty good at doing what the words say above.
I couldn’t have put it better my self.
For me it’s like a tiny little pilot flame in the deepest part of my belly.
It never gets blown out by bad shxxt or what I would call life.
I think my flame is my resilience.
I mean from as far as I can remember I’ve had to constantly pick my self up dust my self of and climb that mountain over and over again.and as I’m typing this I’ve just realised not one person thought me how to do what I have to do.
Cheers for the words again nice going
Have a good night