Alone, really alone.: Today im... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Alone, really alone.

Heyyouthere33 profile image
18 Replies

Today im realizing that the reason why i feel alone without being alone is because yes I spent alot of time alone but I spend a lot of thinking that I wanted to do things but having no one to do them with. I realize this when I asked my sister if she want to go play catch and she was busy, my other sister was busy and the other one was busy and the other one doesn't play catch. My best friend is quarantine with her family. And my boyfriend friend is working alot. It's times like this when I realize that I'm tired of being alone. And although I can be alone, I dont want to be alone. I know I had trouble being out in the world cuz I think its scary but I think sometimes I need someone to hold my hand while I concor this fears I've developed. And I've realized I don't have that. I normally would relay on my boyfriend to do that but I can't do that. He usually works 6 days a weak. And I don't live with him. And I don't want to take his 1 day off. Feels selfish. I just need a rock, I know I can depend on myself sometimes but im still build myself. I dont know what to do about it. I just know what I need, and what I need is a hug and someone to walk with me and tell me, it's ok, I am with you.

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Heyyouthere33 profile image
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18 Replies

I will send you one breathless hug so you will need to hold your breath for a time. If you are not seeing anyone, you are not alone because of this Virus. All I can really suggest is to look for hobbies or Diversions, I come here and I also go on You Tube and look for programming you enjoy. I have being clearing out many old sites out of my memory and it has taken me five hours to clear my memories, there is so much to see and do, give it a try


FearIsALiar profile image

It will all be okay. It is so normal to feel alone even when you have so many people around you.

Sleeplessme profile image

I always feel alone. I'm alone when I'm Surrounded by colleagues at work. I'm alone in the pub I go to where people are always pleased to see me. Even in mild popularity and open declarations of love and being told I'm family to them, I feel alone. That's anxiety.For you I'd suggest trying harder with the boyfriend. If I had a girlfriend then being with her on my 1 day off would be mandatory. I'd be with her as much as possible. If he doesn't want that maybe there's a problem . Sorry.

Heyyouthere33 profile image
Heyyouthere33 in reply to Sleeplessme

I get that, but I think for him he needs his own time alone or most time its errand and chore day and I respect that boundary. I still see him at night but I dont like being out as night myself. I wish he had more personal time but thats were we are. And it sucks cuz I'm unemployed and i get so anxious being away from home so leaving to a new job is something I'm still working on

Sleeplessme profile image
Sleeplessme in reply to Heyyouthere33

Can you not spend more of that night time not going out? Or am I reading that wrong? I'm an old romantic. If I'm not working I want to be with my loved one. If she's uncomfortable going out at night ( I presume you mean pubs and clubs) I stay in with her. I cook, massage, play games, get to know more about each other, enjoy the company. Sorry if I'm overstepping the mark, I've known people who both work shifts and still manage to be there for each other without guilt. Good luck xx

Heyyouthere33 profile image
Heyyouthere33 in reply to Sleeplessme

We don't go out we stay in. Nothing is open late here. And he gets off work at 10 so we watch tv but then it's lights out.

Sleeplessme profile image
Sleeplessme in reply to Heyyouthere33

I hope you can find a happy solution. I still wouldn't feel bad about taking that one free day, as I said if it were me I'd very much want to spend that day with you x good luck.

Heyyouthere33 profile image
Heyyouthere33 in reply to Sleeplessme

That's very sweet. Thanks

Miyaka profile image

Same feeling. Even before this pandemic, I've always been alone so I can provide for my family. Then this pandemic really hit a lot. I know I can be alone. I'm used to it, but sometimes it's so lonely.

Indiegal profile image

As an adult I've always been a bit of a loaner. Even when I've had a lot of friends, I always seem to be the odd man out who kind of did my own thing. But I learned to do things by myself and rely only on myself in the end. Obviously it's always more fun when you can do things with others, but it might help to think of some solo activities you can do when others aren't available - maybe do an exercise video, learn a musical instrument, paint or some other craft. Hopefully you will learn to enjoy being alone and having some time to yourself.

Heyyouthere33 profile image
Heyyouthere33 in reply to Indiegal

Well that just it. I been alone. I can be alone. But im always alone. Im just missing meaning ful connection. Everyone is off doing what they need to do and im just alone again. It sucky

Indiegal profile image
Indiegal in reply to Heyyouthere33

I feel ya. Even during quarantine it feels like everyone else has better things to do than hang out with me. I guess I've sort of just grown into it, which is good for coping now. We'll see what happens when the world goes back to normal though.

FearIsALiar profile image

Do you have any pets? I like taking my dog for walk and playing fetch with the dog

0laf profile image

You are not alone in this.It is OK.

With love

VDC1 profile image

We’re social animals. Everyone needs friendship, companionship. If you can’t spend time with your boyfriend, if it’s not temporary, then what is the point of calling yourself a couple? Get a new boyfriend. I don’t mean to be harsh, but life is awfully short.

Heyyouthere33 profile image
Heyyouthere33 in reply to VDC1

Its all temporary, im only feeling like this because I'm unemployed and depressed. Theres nothing wrong with us just don't see him enough.

I think it's the biggest compliment you can give a boyfriend is to describe them as your rock. You will conquer your fears if you start to take tiny baby steps. It's so dark at the mo. We're in the middle of a pandemic....

I sometimes feel really alone, when I am on my own at home on my day off and I can't go to see my friends. But I know that I am not really alone, if I wanted to I can reach out and go and see them, and sometimes I do, so it is a bit annoying when they turn around a say they are working at whatever time, real bummer. I am glad I work as a Nanny and can have the company of children who want to learn about the world, good and bad. I also enjoy driving in my car on my own, I sometimes think I should have been a long distance lorry driver. Little one is currently making an angel out of toilet rolls and paper bless her. We are really all alone in our own heads, I've just got used to it, all through secondary school my school reports said xxxx is a loner/has very few friends like it was a crime or something, I like to think of myself as just very selective ha ha. I play solitaire online, do sudoku, read a book, and sometimes very occasionally I do some housework 😂😂

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