Its the only thing you can do. The outer world does not change, but you can !
I did !: Its the only thing you can do... - Anxiety and Depre...
I did !

Como se va mon Ami ? This is quite the concept for me to absorb. However I
am open to a little bit of change of thinking especially if it can help me achieve my immediate goals of earning some money to ease some of my financial stress and give me a little more peace of mind. By the way
I’m starting a part-time job as an
administrative assistant today.
Enjoy your day
Hugs Shnookie
Oh yes my friend, our thoughts are what we do have control over. xx
Hi Gerrerd, Another good one. Been meaning to write to you, I have been off color, seeing a Dr. Leaves me tired and exhausted?!!! I hope you are keeping well, I see UK is in lock down again. It will probably happen here again soon, thank goodness Trump is Out, but he can do damage in the last 9 weeks he is in office and has started, he is one sick individual. I am hoping for a better country once Biden gets settled in. I felt a sense of relief when he won the vote. I bought a bottle of champagne a few weeks ago, when I had a strong feeling Biden would win, So I opened it and celebrated. I did some work for the election, I wrote 200 postcards to Arizona hoping to swing them from red (Republican) to Blue (Democrat) that took up quite some time and cost me $70 for postage, I like to think I helped, Arizona has swung!!!
I am feeling the affects of global warming, the humming birds usually show up late May, early June, they came in mid August. Some birds have not come, I have not watered my lawn this year, getting rain often. It is raining now, with Thunder Storm forecast for the next two days. Weather Hot it has been up to 80 the last few days, I open doors and windows to let fresh air in
Had a battle with fleas on my poor cats, finally got a drug that worked!!! Thankfully they are free now, and I love it as they both sleep on my bed with me at night. They are my buddies and keep me company.
I wish you were my neighbor, I have So much work to do, and I cannot keep up with it, I'd be glad to pay you and make you dinner, I am a pretty good cook, I eat healthy, little frying, lots of veg, and a nice glass of wine!!!
Once again I am sorry for being so long in writing, do not give up on me please, I need friends, I have none here now, they have died or moved away!!! Thankfully my therapist calls me twice a week, otherwise I have no one to talk to, she does not like it as I have No One, and yes I need contact, I do not like living by myself with no one to talk to.
So I hope you are keeping safe, getting your house all spruced up, I think you had some painting to do. I am proud of the way you have helped yourself mentally, it is not easy is it?
So I will go now, hope to hear from you soon, sending love, big hugs, peace....smiles and good health......Sprinkle 1.......
Will email you, have a rest Andria, take care Darling xx
Hi, will look for your email, if you put your phone # in I will ring you. Hope you are having a good day, be evening by now for you. It is pouring with rain again today, it is dull and gray outside, does not bother me, I light candles & put on low lights. It is very warm, it is 80 in my house, I have a summer dress on!!! Sending love, smiles and big hugs.......