Hi everyone, I'm based in the US (I know many of you are in the UK) and it feels like between the pandemic, the election and the social unrest in the country - the mass political divisions, things seem really scary. I can't tell if they are actually really scary or if this is my anxiety amplifying absolutely everything i see. (obviously I know the pandemic is very scary, but with my medical anxiety its hard for me to ever stop thinking about it). I know people are "concerned" about the state of things, but I'm trying to stave off regular panic attacks and can't seem to concentrate on getting anything done or work because I'm just so depressed and worried about all the hate being spewed on social media and the tone everyone is taking with each other. I'm starting to get scared to leave my house. Is anyone else feeling this way too? Are there are support groups out there where people can just check in on each other? Thanks for any feedback.
Trying to gauge my baseline anxiety - Anxiety and Depre...
Trying to gauge my baseline anxiety

I can only speak for myself. I see most people being polite. The rest are trying the best they can to cope. People are opening doors for each other and helping in any way they can. I will stop by a students home if they ask and help them. Parents make and bring in masks. We have clothing and help them with food. This place is for you to find people you are comfortable with and talk. Do not hesitate to ask for what you need.
Thank you so much ReadingGuy. I see those things too. I definitely saw that a lot in the beginning. Now it just seems that with the election coming up, the country feels so divided. I've had friends tell me they are not speaking to so and so anymore because of their political beliefs. Everything seems so finite vs. nuanced. I just feel really scared that someone is going to attack me if I leave the house. I know that's really irrational and I have generally felt the opposite of that in the past. I'm very open and trusting and social. I reach out to friends and family on a daily basis. But now I just feel like the country is becoming intolerant of one another and I feel really overwhelmed and unmoored I guess. I think I should probably find a therapist quickly. But I so appreciate this space. I hope you are doing well.
I’m in the US as well and have struggled with the same thoughts.
It’s so confusing not truly knowing if it’s my anxiety that’s the problem or just the world right now lol 😩
Do you ever feel really overwhelmed when thinking about everything happening, like it feels so out of control?
Yes! I hate how crazy things seem right now. I like feeling in control and at this point it’s like no one is in control. It’s scary
I live in Michigan, USA and I totally relate to what you're talking about. I think my anxiety has been on high alert and I've had problems sleeping since the pandemic hit around March and along with the Black Lives Matter protests and all this political stuff and the presidential election it is very overwhelming. The best things that have helped me to cope is to stay away from listening to some of the news when or if I can - sometimes it's best I don't know every single thing that's going on and I've already voted, and listening to calming music and meditation music really has helped me a lot.