I feel ugly just like my name states - Anxiety and Depre...

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I feel ugly just like my name states

PrettyForever137 profile image

hi, I'm new here. I suffer through sever depression, because of how I look. I could just be the ugliest thing in town. It's hard to make any friends or get into any hobbies. People say I'm being over dramatic but literally I really hate myself. My sisters are pretty and as the first child I was cursed to take all the ugliness. I don't want to be ugly but I can't change how I look so I'm stuck.. >:(

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PrettyForever137 profile image
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29 Replies
Sillysausage234 profile image

Hi welcome... what makes you think you are ugly?

PrettyForever137 profile image
PrettyForever137 in reply to Sillysausage234

My face is not attractive. My nose is weird too. It makes me feel uncomfortable to face anything.

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to PrettyForever137

That’s your perception......I’m sure you’re as pretty as your sisters

PrettyForever137 profile image
PrettyForever137 in reply to Sillysausage234

No one has call me pretty. Thank you Sillysausage234.

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to PrettyForever137

You’re very welcome....change your name to pretty forever 137 !!

Dolphin14 profile image


When we are depressed I don't think we see anything good about ourselves, internally or externally.

I couldn't even look in the mirror during my deepest depression. I felt nothing about me was good and I didn't want to see myself.

Are you in therapy for your depression? I'm sure as the depression starts to get better you will see yourself in a more positive light.

I look for the inner beauty in people. That means more to me than anything.

Welcome to the group and I hope we can help you feel better about yourself.

PrettyForever137 profile image
PrettyForever137 in reply to Dolphin14

I'm depressed because I'm ugly. So it's tough to accept it. I do look in the mirror but only to judge myself. When I tried to think positive I felt sick to my stomach. I've been in therapy all my life. As a child too. I try to look at inner beauty but what's so pretty about our insides? All guts and all..

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to PrettyForever137

By inside us I mean the type of person we are. How we treat people, how we live our life. What's in our heart and soul.

Sounds like things have been rough with you for a long time. I'm sorry you've been having problems for so long.

I'm glad you came here. There are so many wonderful people that will help lift you up.

I hope you find peace and realize you are a beautiful person.

Cardinal2 profile image

I believe true beauty comes within. So much is placed on how we look and what we have. It's easy for us to see ourselves as not fitting in but remember we can our own worst enemy. We can be very hard on ourselves. Looks can fade but inner beauty lasts a lifetime. Try and focus on who you are and all you have accomplished. See inspiration in others and what they have overcome. I see so many people in passing that look beautiful and yet they seem unhappy. Perhaps their looks are all they have and that to me seems a lot worse. Give yourself a break. Be kind to yourself. I go through the same thing but I know that I care for a lot of people especially now with the pandemic. I am sure you have beauty both inside and out. I know it is hard but don't compare yourself to anyone. You are BEAUTIFUL!!

Grady80 profile image

If people are saying you are being over dramatic, then I can believe you are not ugly. And we always look better than we think we do. Others see what we don’t see in ourselves. It really doesn’t matter how you look, people still like you, even love you I’m sure.

Agora1 profile image

Hi Sweetie... I second in what Sillysausage said. And that is to change your username to

"Prettyforever137" :) You've had this idea in grained in you so long that you now believe

it. We can't change unless we get rid of the negative thoughts about ourselves. Coming on

this site with a negative connotation of yourself just promotes the wrong ideas.

Think of yourself as a "flower" within this huge world of flowers. How boring it would be if

we all looked the same. Think about it for a moment. What makes a field of flowers so beautiful? The different colors, shapes, sizes. Each one is admired for it's beauty.

You don't want to be a "cookie cutter" design. You want to be your own person. Embrace

your strong characteristics. We all have something that is special just to us. When you share that with others, beautiful or not, they begin to love the real you which entails more

than looks.

I'm glad you are here with us. I would like to see you learn (through us) how to love yourself.

That is important because after all, you deserve it. :) xx

san_ray70 profile image

Ever heard beauty is in the eye of the beholder, you do not say your age. When I was younger I had no self esteem, I was very shy and did not make friends easily. My life has evolved, I am not shy, I grew out of it, I still find it hard to talk to people until I know them. I now have a fantastic husband who tells me I am beautiful and he loves me every day. Please love yourself and try to make friends, I am 72 now but I have a lot of friends. I joined the church, I joined clubs, I have grandchildren. Life is for living, this is not a rehersal. Good luck. P.M. me if you like.

Otcee profile image

I, too, suffer from the uglies. But I know that my soul is beautiful. My soul is wearing a white silk gown, my soul is well proportioned and it has long beautiful hair with glorious translucent white sparkling wings that allow me to soar far above the clouds. That is what I see beyond the outer skin.

Iammesues profile image
Iammesues in reply to Otcee

I too suffer from the uglies. My soul, like me, is quiet. My soul sits on the beach with face covered in fresh air while the real me works like a dog and cries all nite. My soul ignores all the mean people and the real me is damaged by them.

Iammesues profile image

Look underneath. Are you a good person? Kind hearted? Loyal? Caring? These are the only thing to evaluate beauty

PrettyForever137 profile image

Thank you all for your loving piece of heart and mind. I'm always on social media comparing myself. I'll try tossing it all away while I heal. I'll come back to this page just to reread everything and try practice this way of thinking in my life. <3 thank you everyone so much for your support. Not one comment was left unread. I enjoyed reading every bit.

If it isn't too much to ask I'm 21 years old, black American from the USA. I'm looking for positive and loving friends for support in my life. I find meeting on VR Chat is helpful to talk and face people which I'm disabled to do IRL atm. If anyone is interested in gaming VR please DM me and let's talk...

I have social anxiety and I'm trying to face and accept it for what it is to keep moving on with life. Fighting it makes it worse. I also can download Skype too. I just hope to meet nice friends on here.

(FYI I have a hard time with communication and it help me if I have friends who I can talk to.)

PrettyForever137 profile image
PrettyForever137 in reply to PrettyForever137

And yes I'll try changing my name. :)

hurtingheart1 profile image
hurtingheart1 in reply to PrettyForever137

Hi PrettyForever I’m soo glad you changed your name!!!☺️👏🏼I’d love chatting with you I could really use a friend now my furry baby & best friend just passed!!! 🥺😞😰💔💔but maybe we can be supportive to eachother -I relate about some of self esteem issues you talked about & self image!!im also really looking for & needing kind caring positive friends in my life as well!!💞💞feel free to pm me on here anytime I don’t have Skype but maybe we could try FaceTime if you have that??? Btw- what is that- Irl ?you said it was disabled for you right now??☺️🌻I’m not the best with tech & online terms! I just haven’t had access to much of it only iPhone /tablet- basic Apple computer skills!! My cousin started teaching me how to play a cute game animal crossing on her Nintendo but I do not have one!!😂

PrettyForever137 profile image
PrettyForever137 in reply to hurtingheart1

I'm sorry for your loss.. :( IRL means "in real life" I use this to separate VRChat game and you know.. reality. I'm really insecure. And I just play a lot of VR(virtual reality game).

PrettyForever137 profile image
PrettyForever137 in reply to hurtingheart1

Animal crossing I never tried. I don't have gaming systems. I know it is cute game. I hadn't made Skype yet but I will. And if you like I'll add you.

hurtingheart1 profile image
hurtingheart1 in reply to PrettyForever137

Hi hope you’re doing well today!☺️🌻I don’t have skype either I do hav FaceTime on iphone- I’m still happy to keep chatting with you!! Msg me anytime I check in regularly!☺️🌸 oh and I’m soo glad you changed your name on here also!!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼💕🌼🌼🦋🦋actually your inspiring me & making me think more about changing mine also?? Although it’s still true my heart still hurts so?? Also I don’t want ppl to be confused not knowing it’s still me here??🤣🧐

Agora1 profile image

Hi Pretty Girl, I may not have Skype or any social media sites but I want you to know

that I'm always here for you on Personal Message. Don't let go of this forum, it can help

you through your journey. :) xx

PrettyForever137 profile image
PrettyForever137 in reply to Agora1

Thank you Agora.

PrettyForever137 profile image
PrettyForever137 in reply to PrettyForever137

Can we be friends?

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to PrettyForever137

I was your friend from the beginning and will always be here for you.

I care very much :) xx

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to PrettyForever137

Hey you xx I love your new username. It fits you so much better :) xx

PrettyForever137 profile image
PrettyForever137 in reply to Agora1

Thanks to you and all you amazing people on here. xoxo It really makes my day, reading these messages.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to PrettyForever137

I knew it would... You took that most important first step forward and I'm

glad it was on this amazing forum. :) xx

Oh my my i so understand the thoughts and feelings but let me say as loudly and lovingly as I can YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND UNIQUE!!!! I have to say this to myself and I don't often believe it but I KNOW that the worlds idea of beauty is so flawed. Its not that those who are revered to be the ideal are not beautiful it is that is not the ONLY beauty in the world. Look at the trees and flowers of the world! SO different so diverse. Sizes, shapes, colors and textures. What causes one to say woah that is just breathtaking is not what will spark the same in another. As humans we often try to fit into a mold and that destroys who we are as a unique beautiful design. If only we could see the whole person and not just one part. That we can see the beauty of differences and colors. Can you imagine a world with rainbows that only have one color?! Or a sunrise that has only one shade?! Or a world with only one kind of flower or tree? The beauty in the world is so diverse and you know what that is true for humans beings too. You are beautiful and you have worth just the way you are.

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