I have been in an abusive marriage for 25 years TWENTY FIVE YEARS. I’m over it. Ha. I always say that. I’m devastated and lonely and in unbelievable pain. I just need positivity and human connection.
In so much pain.: I have been in an... - Anxiety and Depre...
In so much pain.

My heart aches with you. I hear you and I really can relate!! Oh goodness I am at 23 years and UGH wow sometimes it can just make you want to SCREAM

Hugs. Dang.. how did we end up like this?!
Sorry to hear about your abusive relationship hope you find someone who will treat you right you have an amazing smile btw chin up and go enjoy life to the full x
I hope you find the strength to get help. Even if you go talk to someone. I pray sometimes and usually get some relief! Hope you feel better!😘
The most dangerous time during this situation is when you peace. Please contact local resources that will safely asier with a transition. There is also a website 'when georgia smiles' that can older daude steps to take.
God put you here for more than to tolerate abuse. Hugs Lady, take your time and leave in a safe way.
Thank you so much for stopping to comment and encourage me!
I hope by abusive you don’t mean physically. That is really unacceptable. Anyway seems that you got out..? No one deserves to be abused mentally or physically by your spouse/significant other . It’s just wrong. you will find peace & joy. It just takes some time....
It has been physically, verbally, financially.. everything
I know how hard it can be for some people to try to get out. I have found a lot of comfort and solace in going to YouTube and watching Dr Ramani's videos on dealing with narcissism in relationships. She is a clinical psychologist and professor who really has a lot of knowledge about toxic relationships and family systems and I think she's a great speaker. Maybe something she says could really help to empower you. I have a very narcisstic dad that I have no choice but to put up with. Don't give up, right now in pandemic season everyone is really going through a lot.
In order to not feel lonely and feel better, you should develop your relationship with God. Start praying and trust that no matter what is going on in your life God is going through it with you and feels your pain and would not give you more than you can handle. Trust in His plan for your life and pray that you find out what He wants you to do- you have a purpose in life and you can help others- which will give you human connection and a sense of accomplishment and positivity from being a good person and improving others lives. Volunteer. And developing your relationship with God will make you not feel lonely anymore because He is who you are looking for. Another person will never complete you or make you fully happy, but God will. He is waiting for you to seek Him and for you to want to get to know Him. Go to Him with all your worries and concerns and ask Him to guide you and have faith in Him, and He will not disappoint you. I will pray for you!! I know you can get through this hard time and come out better and stronger than before!😊 Sending you hugs and happiness in life💐💗💕