Anyone else suffering from health anxiety?
Am I alone?: Anyone else suffering from... - Anxiety and Depre...
Am I alone?

I do not have anxiety over my own health but the health of my children. Even though they are healthy I always seem to find a way to worry about them. Do you have health issues?
You aren’t alone. Health anxiety is something I’ve had for years. It’s really tough because the anxiety symptoms themselves can be so scary. How are you feeling right now?
it seems i used to have health anxiety issues off and on in the past. But i guess now i focus on work anxiety. So maybe yours will go sway or shift at some point too. It is odd, while i dont have the acute health axiety issues anymore, i have a low lying undertone fear that I will get diabetes or skin cancer. Always dreaded diabetes, bi polar and assorted cancers. Wonder how many will come to fruition.
Hey 👋🏻
I do, Ii worry over my health all the time. Compulsively. Anything and everything ☹️
You're certainly not alone. My health anxiety is so bad at the moment that I don't belive it's health anxiety any longer, I'm convinced there is something seriously wrong with's exhausting and terrifying
Sound like me at the moment, I had this same feeling years ago.. and I posted a thing on here too. And now I feel the same feeling , ive had loads of blood tests over this last year due to being pregnant and loosing a baby too, so not 100% sure why I'm convinced I'm ill, I need to try and switch off
Worryinglady Sorry to hear about you loosing your baby. That will have definitely caused anxiety and grief and if you mix that with all the hormonal upheaval...the perfect storm. As somebody else has replied I have found that exercise is very helpful. Because it's been sooo hot in Spain for the last couple of months I have not been exercising and can certainly feel the difference.
My anxiety is causing me health problems. I have had stomach issues nausea heart palpitations throbbing in my temples my blood pressure is through the roof.....I feel like I am dying half the time.
Health anxiety sucks. It's something I wake up with every morning and go to bed with every evening. I get chest pain, nausea, dizzyness, strained breathing, headaches and random pains throughout the day. I'm tired of doctors and pills because they don't help. The only things that really help are talking about it, exercise and giving up the battle (when I can). I know I'm fine, but the anxiety still persists.
You are most definitely not alone! I have been struggling with health anxiety a lot lately. It’s a daily struggle as of lately. Health anxiety is very common.
Yes. I’m scarred from losing people to various illnesses and my psyche has been damaged. Fear of catastrophic illness plagues me