Anyone suffer with health anxiety? Suffering with it really bad past couple of months
Health anxiety : Anyone suffer with... - Anxiety and Depre...
Health anxiety

I suffer from major anxiety but I’ve never heard of healthy anxiety b4. Try meditating, yoga, exercise really really helps me. Deep breathing really honestly works. I never used to believe it but it really does. Maybe couple those could help relieve some of it.
I've suffered health anxiety on and off, it can be so debilitating and exhausting, constantly feeling that you have some kind of undiagnosed illness that puts you in danger is terrifying, but your certainly not alone with this, health anxiety is growing in cases. Some sufferers are focused only on fearing certain types of illnesses, while other fear they may have various different types of conditions or serious illnesses, you must try and remember that your thoughts are very powerful, it's not that difficult to develop physical symptoms when your in an anxiety state. Have you seen anyone about it? and have you been tested for any of the illnesses you fear, like blood tests or scans etc? Feel free to private message me if you want to chat in detail etc....I know how hard it is to deal with x

Yes , I have terrible health anxiety. At times it's bearable but mostly not. I have a couple of things I constantly think I have and then lots of other different ones on a daily basis. I have so many physical symptoms that I can't believe nothing is wrong with me.
So, not encouraging lol, but just to let you know you're certainly not slone with this one x
I don't actually suffer as much anymore, I've come a long way since my health anxiety days, but once in a while it pops up and I have to use my inner voice to remind myself that I'm ok, don't get me wrong, I don't always find it easy but I've learned to deal with it much better, I know when I'm slipping back and try to act before it gets hold of me. Your so right than no one is alone with anxiety, so many sufferers trying to cope everyday, communities like this can be a lifeline for many
Oh I’m the same. I feel a pain somewhere and I suddenly think I’ve got something else x
Hc1987uk. I am the same way!!!I have learned the reason I fixate on something with my health is because I am avoiding a stressors. Once I find out what I'm running from I feel so much better. It has been really tough lately with the Covid scare. Anxiety is exhausting. And I hate it when someone says "you ok"? It makes it worse. I get this in waves. I see a therapist which helps and I'm on meds. I have dealt with this a really long time. I hope this helps, you are not alone.

Yeah ive had blood tests and couple of times and loads of ecgs. Waiting for a 24 hour ecg to be put on but waiting list because of COVID 19.
I think more people suffer from health anxiety than we realize. I can't always get straight answers from a doctor or doctors doing the correct tests, so that is when my health anxiety kicks in.
I feel like that. Or I feel like they think it’s all in my head because I’m always getting appointments.
It took me a long time to find doctor's who believed in me and what I was telling them. My Psychiatrist and my Therapist work in the same building and my PA doctor is the son of my Therapist!
Feel like sometimes they don’t listen
When I feel a doctor isn't listening to me, I repeat myself until I KNOW they heard me. They are no special than anyone else even though they act as if they are. I waited over an hour at an appointment and finally went up to the counter and told the front desk I was leaving as my time was just as important as that doctor's. We have to be bold and sometimes firm before anyone will listen.
Yeah I completely understand that. I hope the doctors are helping you now
I've got a pretty bad case of health anxiety. The past 3 months have been pure hell. I've been reassured I don't have one disease I feared but then other symptoms kicked in and more anxiety followed. Getting therapy, taking an SSRI, hanging out in online support groups and working out a lot seems to be helping a little although I still get 1-2 super-bad days every week when I'm totally sure I'm dying.
Oh I completely understand that feeling! I’m ok but then feel a pain somewhere and I suddenly start thinking I’ve got something else. Only really came on me this year.
Yeah my doctor mentioned cbt don’t know wether to maybe give it a try
Two months ago I had insomnia, cried all the time, was terrified I was dying, going to the doctor every week demanding new tests and scans. Today I went to work, had a lovely walk and enjoyed being out in the world. I've been doing CBT for five weeks. It's rewired my brain. It's so simple but so effective.
Yes, with the pandemic, I have had increased anxiety and depression. Many of the activities I enjoy are cancelled and I have such a low motivation level. It's so hard, but it helps a little to know so many others are also feeling this way. We aren't alone! Keep on keeping on and don't hesitate to ask for help. I had an appt. with my mental health nurse practitioner today which gives me hope. I know I need to see a therapist and be more active. But, knowing what to do and doing it are two different things!
Ended up in hospital last night did blood tests. D-dimer came back slightly elevated so have to have a scan today for suspected pe anxiety is through the roof
I suffer from this badly I still do to this day this group has been amazing support to me all listening to me when times where difficult stay strong u are not alone there are more people in this world suffering and they don’t admit it my old boss who was a ward sister was suffering and she has the most positive face on daily she was amazing at covering it up people don’t always show weakness I have been on esctalapram for 6 weeks now and only now do I feel it’s working it takes time if ur not on medication have u thought about asking ur gp was the best thing I did for myself and my health I was always worried about being unwell and the covid didn’t help but now I just have little things to worry about still not 100% but I am so much better u need to keep strong there are always people out there worse off I believe
Thankfully my scan came back all clear!
Yes, I suffer with this constantly. I've had some decent days but its like it very slowly yorments me about death until I have a major melt down. It seems like everything leads to me dying. I use to always run to the dr or emergency til I realize if its really my time there is nothing they can do. So I suffer n silence. I started back to working out trying to loose weight, but that has become a struggle also. Life is a struggle 😔😔😢😢😭😭
Its ok. You are not alone!! With the way the world is right now it exacerbates everything. Try to stay away from stress, tv, negative ppl. I have been walking daily and it has helped me so much. Also, Google the mindful movement. Sarah Raymond, has a lot of meditation videos. You can pick what you want to listen to. Lay back and listen. You can fall asleep if you want. Its powerful. The idea is to relax the mind and body. Do this at bedtime or during the day but do it often you will see a difference. Blessings to all.
Me too