Years ago, a very popular and best selling book titled The Secret came out talking about the law of attraction. It basically means that the thoughts you put out into the world is what you attract back to you. Positive thoughts attract positive thoughts back towards you. Fearful thoughts towards something attract fearful thoughts towards you. It also talks about the concept of making a vision board where you cut out pictures of things you want to attract into your life, and paste them up on a board where you can look at them. So what do I believe??? Well I believe what goes around comes around, and I do think it's important to try to be positive and hopeful. However, I also think nothing is a substitute for hard work, and that sometimes success can amount to just being in the right place at the right time!!!! I think the concept of a vision board is interesting and it's important to have goals and know what you want out of life, and I've made a vision board for myself, but sometimes life can throw us curve balls and what your working towards may not always happen for you. Sometimes we can get stuck at a dead end and have to dream a new dream!!!! So what are your thoughts on this law of attraction concept???? Do you believe in it or not? And why or has it worked for you??? Let me know what you think or believe is true for you!!!!☺
Do YOU believe in the Law of Attracti... - Anxiety and Depre...
Do YOU believe in the Law of Attraction? Why or why not?????? 🔮
Hi!!! I believe in the law of attraction for sure, and hard work, I also believe there’s luck mixed into the equation. I believe our minds are a powerful intuitive tools in enabling us to reach out and grab what we want... energies that are alike attract each other I think. It just meshes, it just works. Ha hard to explain.
I love your vision board idea!!!!! I wish I could see your board. I have worked with creative visualization and it’s very motivating and helpful in making dreams come true.
Btw I’m not sure of all I want for goals in my life looking forward except to continue to implement healthy choices as a life style. Oh well maybe living in the present moment will create some good ideas for what I want out of life.
Hi!!! Well, quite honestly I liked making the vision board and I had it up on my bedroom wall for about 5 months, but then when I was getting somewhat depressed because I didn't feel like I was getting anywhere, I took it down. It was just a big piece of construction paper with pictures from magazines and words and little drawings on it. I think it's better for me anyway to just cut out pictures of people or things that inspire me, or quotes I like, rather than hoping what I put on the vision board is going to happen for me, I'm not meaning that in a negative way I'm just being somewhat realistic.

Interesting. Thanks for sharing that. The things that inspire me are also the things that trigger me on a bad day like on a good one I’m like hey I’ll do this and feel accomplished but on the bad it makes me feel like I’m not good enough to do what I aspire to and I’m failing and just don’t have the concentration and or motivation.
Awww, we all have bad days. Maybe I should have left it up, I think I was getting sort of tired of it.

That makes sense to get tired of it... maybe make a new updated one if you have some different goals now different perspective
Yes in a way I agree in the first few mins or so a person likes the looks and how a person reacts with other people, however as a relationship grows different things that are deeper comes to the fore.
My first thought is pheromones, sounds random but who you are, ie what you believe, gets projected to the world through scent. Maybe if you think more positive thoughts people will intuit that and treat you as such vs avoiding a dark cloud
I'm not sure about the pheromone concept, but I do believe some people can just radiate a sunny personality while others can emanate darkness. Not just by how they smell or dress, but by facial expressions and a person's demeanor. It's like seeing a stranger give you a warm smile versus someone with their head down scowling at you. I've heard of pheromones but I also think someone can smell good just because they took a shower that morning!!!☺

You aren’t consciously aware of them but it’s why there might have been a time when you instantly didn’t like someone even though you’d never met them before
Oh I can see how that can happen! I believe I'm also some kind of empath and I'm like really sensitive to what's going on around me, certain people and situations can trigger me, I'm very sensitive to noise and hearing things like angry voices shouting around me-even though it has absolutely nothing to do with me, sometimes then I become angry or nervous. Good point you brought up there!!!