I suffer from depression anxiety schizophrenia and ocd. I am at a point where I just can’t continue anymore. My depression is just to high. I can’t cope anymore. I don’t see any reason to live anymore. I have no desire or motivation to live anymore. The depression is to overwhelming. I am at the worst point of my life. Nothing is getting better and I’m getting worse with each year. 10 psychiatric hospitalizations 20 etc treatment sessions and countless medications. Nothing has worked. I feel like the rest of my life will be spent in a hospital. I just can’t do this anymore.
I’m at point where I just can’t take ... - Anxiety and Depre...
I’m at point where I just can’t take it anymore.

This is very common what you are going through; trying to find the right medication, the right doctor and the right help. But, don't give up. There is always hope. There is always a reason to go on. And you are in the right place here.
I agree, but it isn't just about the medications, you need to find ways to cope. Has anything worked in the past?
I know it's not just about medications. I was agreeing that it's hard to find the right one. Of course there are other ways of coping. It depends on what works for you. Everyone is different. For me, I think talking to someone I trust is a way of coping and releasing feelings and emotions. Other people say meditating or reading/writing is helpful. I like listening to music as well. It helps calm my thoughts.
I agree with Liveandletlive42. You have this mental health condition with is very tough to handle. My whole family live with genetic mental health issues passed down. I got a lot of sibling coping with various levels for issues. I myself live with my own and have family living in the same household with your same conditions. We are older folks. I am glad you've come here for support. If you'd like to talk feel free to direct message me.
Feel free to message me. I am bipolar 1 with psychotic symptoms. Several times in the hospital. I feel like I can relate. I found out I had medical problems and miraculously got them taken care of and feeling so much better. I want you to feel better.
I totally understand where you're coming from. I've been hospitalized in some crazy psyche wards too feeling like what the hell am I doing here??? Going to a psyche ward is a last resort. Try to learn how to cope with the issues your having without running to a psyche ward. I know it isn't easy sometimes. Also, are you in therapy? Try to read some self help books about depression and anxiety. Learn how you can help yourself. And even if you're not working, try to do things throughout the day and get out of the house. Find meaning in your life where you can.
I was also hospitalized for a week, the doctor made me do it. there is also a cop sitting outside my door to make sure I did not kill myself. Which I did not have any intention to do. It was actually a good release to not have to deal with the world outside, all I had to do was Wonder what I was going to have for lunch or if I can have a turkey sandwich, a very weird experience.
I know somewhere deep down you have something you care about. It might be your family or a pet or a friend and you need to hold on to that. If you are totally alone and all you have to do is hold on to yourself. You are worth it
I am sorry for your pain. Please keep trying. A relative of mine had these symptoms He was so bad medical professionals did not see him being well. Through proper medication, after trial and error he is well. A shot once a month and daily meds and you would never know of his challenges. Never give up hope!
Hi Imaginator997, I am so glad you reached out here. You are not alone. So many of understand your struggles, been hospitalized, and want to give up. But that is not the answer. Have you ever had anything that did work for you? Medication alone isn't the answer, but it can help you feel more stable. It is also important for you to remind yourself that you are important and you do matter. You have to remind yourself daily.
It sounds like you have tried to get help and that is great! Just don't give up. Focus on the things that make a difference to feel better even if they are microscopic. One little thing can make a big difference in our life if we change our focus. I had to stop thinking I caused how I am feeling, the depression, the darkness. Instead, I had to tell myself this is a disease and just something I go through from time to time, it is not who I am. Reaching out here is good for you, to remind you are not alone, and you have others who understand and CARE! I have a group of ladies who pray with me when I am struggling, even though I don't feel tremendously better, knowing someone cares is so helpful. You can reach out anytime we are here for you. Don't lose hope. Here is a link (cutt.ly/EfiAMca) to reach out to if you really feel the darkness taking over. I will be praying for you. Hugs and God Bless
How are you doing this week? Are you feeling any better? I have been praying for you. Hugs