I honestly feel like I can’t do this anymore. I’m 16 and I don’t see the point of living anymore. I have anxiety and it has never been worse also in the past year I have developed severe depression. Iv been to councillors and nothing is working.
I broke up with my long term boyfriend a few months ago and I still love him , he doesn’t feel the same way . We’ve kept in contact and have been talking as what I would could friends , but I feel this is stopping me from moving on. I slept with someone last night and told my ex because he is the only person I trust . We then had and argument and he said he will go with me to get the morning after pill tomorrow but after that he will not talk to me at all. Iv been crying all day about this and I can’t do it anymore . I have no real friend and I don’t really speak to my family or twin sister. In short , I don’t see a reason to life.