I m new here.. i cant talk to anyone about my problems.. some people think that i m doing this for gaining sympathy and some dont even care.. Am i accepted here??
Desperately need help: I m new here.. i... - Anxiety and Depre...
Desperately need help
hi welcome aboard of course you are accepted and you don`t need to ask sure hope you will feel part of the furniture here soon as talk about as much or as little as you like.
Of course you're accepted!!! Welcome to this site. There's some great people on here. I hope you get some help and support here.
Hello and welcome, of course you are accepted here, wanna tell us what is bothering you?
A lot of things actually.. I have already attempted suicide many times and my younger sister saved me. I cant tell my parents about it cz they wont believe me. I m suffering from this since childhood and now it became worse. i tried to tell my parents and wanted to take help from psychiatrist bt my parents refused to do so.. and now i have no idea what to do. everyday i have to fight so that i dont harm myself bt its getting tougher.. i dont know what to do..

We could use a little more background to help you. Do you usually feel suicidal or did something happen when you were younger?
Yes i feel suicidal and yes a lot of things happened when i was young and it doesnt seem to stop.. i m just fighting everyday and now i am tired.
Certainly you are accepted! You will have to tell us more about any problems you are experiencing for us to comment, or try to help you.
I m suffering from severe depression and anxiety which is now in such an extend that i have started harming myself cz its getting harder to endure all this.. I cant tell my parents or go to a psychiatrist. i m completely helpless..

You really need professional help. It sounds like you are in major depression. How old are you? It seems your parents are preventing you from getting the care that you need. It is quite a difficult situation. It sounds like your parents are a big part of your problem. It is a very difficult situation if you are dependent upon your parents.
yeah they are also one of the reasons and i m dependent on them. i m 17 yrs old.. whenever i share my problem with someone they just tell me that i m still young and have a lot to face yet. in one sense they are right bt i m dealing with my problems since i was 6 among them one is sexual abuse. in my country girls cant tell about it to anyone.. after few yrs of suffering when i finally told my mom she said that it was my fault.. i dont know what to do. i saved my younger sister from getting abused by sacrificing myself.. i m the eldest in my family so i always have to give a fake smile and tell everyone that i m okk..

It sounds like you will have to wait until you are older to get treatment if your parents will not help you now. I am not sure what country you live in. In some countries assistance is available. It is difficult to get treatment on your own. Tough situation.
i dont think that in my country assistance is available.. and i dont know for how much longer i will be able to endure all this
have you tried to find out if you’re country has assistance or an organization that might help?
there are only two and in both of them i have to pay for it.. also in one of them i have to go there to get professional help.. so they are not really an option for me.
Why do you find it dificult to tell your parents? They must be your first line of support as they lnow more about you than anyone else. It's important that you confide in your parents, how ever difficult you find that. There is lots of support out there, more than you probably realise. Give your doctor a ring and see if they can refer you t someone you can talk to. Talking about your problems is the way forward hwever hard you find it. People here will not judge you so if you are looking for soe guidance from people here, then you will need to give people something to work with and open up a little more.
i have already tried telling them bt they refused to take me to a psychiatrist cz they are telling me that i cant tell my problems to him. and sometimes they think that i m faking all this.. i m tired of explaining to them. and if they find out that i have contacted someone about my problem then they will scold me and tell me different bad stuff which makes it hard for me to endure.. i know that they love me bt they are not accepting the truth... they are not even listening to others about my condition. i feel suicidal and a lot of bad stuffs has been taking place since my childhood like sexual abuse. and when i told my mom she said that it was my fault.. i dont know what to do
I'm really sorry, it sounds like you've been through a lot. Just don't give up hope. Try to get some kind of help without dealing with your parents, it doesn't seem like their very supportive.
i dont know how to get help
Can you at least go online and research any hotline you could call in case you really feel suicidal? Or could you go to school and tell your concerns to a teacher or counselor at school and tell them you don't want your parents to know??? Do you have any good friends to talk to? Know that we all care here but we don't know all the answers ourselves and we're not mental health professionals. You at least need someone to talk to about how you're feeling, it isn't good to just keep it all inside. I'm so sorry your parents are acting like this, it must be so hard for you. If you don't want to tell me it's okay, but I'm wondering what country you're in. There must be someone you can talk to, I truly hope you can find someone. And quite honestly, you don't want to see a psychiatrist and get put on medication unless you absolutely need it, I'm on meds but they don't help that much. I wish you the best, don't give up hope.💖
i don't have many friends. i have a best friend bt i cant talk to her cz of my parents. and in my country even if i tell my counselor about my problem the word will spread like fire and people will start calling me a mental patient. i m not just assuming this bt its the truth. so i cant trust anyone. and no there are no such hotline available in our country. i m really trying not to lose hope.. still thanks for your support. i really appreciate it
You are and many here will affirm that too. At any time 24/7 and if I'm on if you need to talk about your problems feel free to direct message me. I will listen and if you want give you feed back when you feel comfortable. I can all ready see you will have plenty of people to choose from and hope you reach out to as many people you can relate to and confide in. Given time you will feel better after sharing and maybe even find tools useful to help you through. In any regard, many of us will be standing with you if in spirit if not in body. I hope you have all ready felt the strength from the kind people here. My best, Joseph
I read some of the comments and I understand that your parents cannot help you. Can you tell us in which city are you so we can search for a service that can help you?
i m so sorry i cant tell u that and if my parents find out that i m doing all this i dont know what they will do... is there any other way to stop all this??

There is a way, but it is the hardest, you have to take control of your own mood and emotions and start saying to yourself that today you’re gonna be happy even if that’s a lie