My depression keeps me from being interested in doing anxiety causes me to make excuses and cancel......people pressure me. Get snippy with me...or are just completely clueless and don't bother to learn about depression and anxiety...besides this I am severely grieving over the traumatic death of my only child. People can be so mean and lacking in compassion.....i just keep to myself now for self preservation.
People don't get it.: My depression... - Anxiety and Depre...
People don't get it.

First of all, I’m so sorry for the loss of your only child. You are in my thoughts and prayers as i know how difficult that must be.
Second, I can empathize with what you are saying about people simply not getting it. I feel that every single day of my life, to the point where I’ve just stopped telling people that I’m suffering at all. They lack understanding and they don’t do much to support. They even tell you to toughen up or that you just need to try harder. but anyone who has truly experienced the grips of depression and anxiety know that it is not that easy. It’s so so hard. Every day is a fight and even though we feel weak, we’re actually very strong because we deal with so much. but we still haven’t given up.
Cancel all the plans you want. Don’t give into the pressure of others. You owe them absolutely nothing. It’s your life and your existence. Take care of yourself and self preserve. I wish you so much healing.
I'm very sorry for your loss. I can't even begin to imagine how hard that is for you. I agree wholeheartedly that people are clueless and mean. I have seen it so many times. Even my deceased husband was clueless and had no interest in learning about depression or compassion for that matter.
Please remember that you come first both physically and mentally. It is ok to pull back from people that are not helpful or mean. Its about you and not them. Again, I'm very sorry for your loss.
I am so deeply sorry for your loss. I totally understand about being surrounded by people who make our suffering so much worse. From those telling you to “get over it”, to those who try to help but just can’t relate. Then they back away and you feel even more like freak. I don’t blame you for protecting yourself. You take as long as YOU need to get your bearings again. We are all here when you need to vent.
My son committed suicide 5 years ago. I am trying to recover. How long has it been since you lost your child?
Michael was 32. It was 5 years april 2. He was into mountaineering- rock and ice climbing, hiking, skiing. He was supposed to be married 2 weeks later. He had a bad day at work and I think just decided he was a failure and couldn't go on. It's hard for me because my family doesn't like to talk about it/him. I feel like they have forgotten him, but I know they haven't. Just feel alone in my grief sometimes.
Sorry to hear about your losses. You have been through a lot. It's helpful to hear that other people are dealing with this stuff.
Yes my Logan was an extreme skier rock climber and kayakers amongst so many other things...........i am so sorry for your devastating loss of your Michael too. No loss comes close to the death of our child...understanding hugs..............dealing with depression and anxiety and then traumatic grief on top.......i now truly understand the exhaustion of mental illnesses and suicide...........hugs mama
I am so sorry for your loss! I admire and respect your honesty about expressing your pain. I have never had losses like yours. I have lost loved ones due to divorce. So, I understand grief in other ways.
I had to learn to walk "through" pain rather than "around" it. Being honest on paper, to others, and with God helped me out of my own depression I had to learn about grieving and then appreciating those loved ones! Yes, grieving that I will not have any more "good times" with them...and then appreciating that we had "good times" and the "good" in them. It took a long time.
Journaling and talking about my pain helped me move into into better, safer, healthier places. . . Please keep writing and talking. Hope this helps, my friend!
My thoughts with you.
I can relate about people not understanding. I do not talk about my anxiety to people who never experience anything like that- they just do not understand. Only people who are going through the same or recovered can relate, sympathise and help.
Be strong, give yourself time frame to do nothing - like a month and forget about it. After a month try to go out or see someone for a quick coffee or a walk in the park.
Good luck
i feel this need to "educate" it drives me nuts when people close wont even try to understand. i post general depression and anxiety info on my FB page.
It sounds like you are walking "through" not "around" your feelings. I try to remember I am not the person I used to be and can "do" life differently and better now. Now, I give myself permission to relax, read, pray, read, feel, and connect with people who I love and who love me. Life is better I can look at my blessings now. How are you "doing" life differently now?
I'm sorry you lost your child and I'm sorry ppl keep making you feel like shit. I know how you feel, there are days I don't get outta bed for a week straight. I don't really like ppl all that much to begin with so there's not many plans I have to cancel. I'm here if you need a friend to talk to. Sending f irie vibrations one love.