Hey. I am 20 and i live abroad with now my ex. (i moved when the pandemia started cause i lost my job and he offered to move in). Basically i'm here since the pandemic and due to quarantine and social axiety i wasn't able to make new friends.
Few days ago he told me he wanted to end it cause he wasn't feeling good with himself. (which i understand) but i was hurted.
He told me that it wasn't necessary for me to leave his home since i don't have much money. Also we where supposed to remain friends while i can leave to my country.
But now he is demanding oral sex or just having sex with me even if i don't want to. Once i told him that i didn't wanted to do it and he told me that he was working and paying the roof over our heads. (he said it as a joke). But since then i feel obligated to do it cause i feel that he is going to kick me out if i don't do it. Cause yesterday i denied and his whole mood changed and it feelt horrible.
I don't know what to do. This is causing me a lot of stress, cause I'm in a foreigner country with just the money to buy a flight to my country on September. And no job.