I’m leaving as apparently you can’t say on here you’re suicidal . I’m sorry , I am and thought here might be able to help me but obviously not
More depressed than ever , so cheers - Anxiety and Depre...
More depressed than ever , so cheers
pandapandaj, Do Not Leave ... many people on this site get to the point where
they may feel suicidal. It's not that you can't say it on here, it's about the fact
that we are not professional therapists and need to keep everyone safe on this site.
You can't run away from your feelings. What can we do to help you. Would talking
and sharing keep you here with us? I care xx
Who said you can’t say that....don’t leave
Got a message saying post removed cos was inappropriate .

Did they offer any helpline numbers or anything?
Yeah . Don’t know where for . I’m in U.K. numbers aren’t in my experience elsewhere on other apps .
Got them anyway .
Thought being on here might help me not try a fourth time . Not the case if can’t be honest

I understand....how you feeling now
Like a complete f*** up .
It’s no good

What’s no good
This here , me everything I touch

This can be a safe place to come and talk to people.....don’t know why they remove posts personally ......maybe different admins as some edit them instead.....but don’t leave
Please do not leave this is a judgment free place and if you are having these feelings u are having them. Some people might be sensitive to the issue but thats not on you. If you need to chat I have 2 ears ready. Please know there are people here who support you.
What and talk and have the same thing happen again , it’s pointless . I’m not worth it , it’s not worth it

I can tell you are in a dark place as I have been there myself. Many times. I would tell You are worth it. But if you are like me- that means nothing coming from a stranger- and you could probably think of a list of things that support the fact you believe you are not worth it.
But here I am going to challenge you.
Tell me one great thing about yourself. I know there’s ONE!
I have tons of empathy
But that’s errelevant cos absolutley no one has any for me . No one cares , no one knows the trauma I’ve been thru , no one understands what living with MS , clinical depression , anxiety , depersonalisation, derealisation and surviving a savage rape is like . No one knows and no one cares what happens to me so why stay ?

Ah see. Empathy is a great thing to have.
As for the reasons why that is irrelevant. I disagree.
Yes I 100% do not know your trauma, pain, depression, anxiety , depersonalizations, etc that you experience daily.
But that doesn’t mean that I don’t care.
I will listen. I don’t know you, but I do know that life wouldn’t be better with you gone.
Your experiences have probably lead to you become so empathetic
Let’s try to bring that empathy to yourself.
I’m here if you want to talk- message me and I’ll be all ears.
Don’t suppose your able to talk ?

Hey panda- how are you?
I don’t know really ? I don’t think I’m compatable with this world . In fed up with help apps . I need to go it alone . What made you ask how I was after a month .
Forget that I asked you last night didn’t I . I’d had a bad day and a worse night and the new drugs still aren’t working. Thanks for replying .
I’m gonna thro myself into flat clearing up today and pretend I have nothing wrong with me whatsoever . If only .

I beg to differ panda in that no one cares about you. I care for each and every one
of those who reach out to this site. We all came here for a reason, that reason being
we all are hurting so much. We looked for a place to give us comfort and we found it
with this virtual family of friends.
Talk to us about your journey. I can assure you many will be able to relate in what you have gone through. You are never alone here. I respect you for having tons of empathy. Now please allow us to show you the same empathy you feel for others. xx
Yep I see where you are coming from people are hard work and can't be trusted. I'm just saying I can listen. I have been self harming a lot with razors and I want to do it.
Can I help in any way Pandaspanda.
I have never heard regards this and have been on Site for many years
Sometimes they will suggest if you are going to go that way Sites ask for the title
TRIGGER WARNING be put on the top of your blog, this warns people that the letter may upset patients with a some mental health concerns.
You also need to understand most on site are not Doctors or Therapists, in fact contributors can be from many places in the World. I am from the UK.
Most of us are actual Patients, just like you we are here for support of others
Are you seeing your Doctor, Therapist or CPN.
I know people here are like me . It’s the same as another site I sometimes use . I haven’t been here long but the first day I heard some one complain of having stuff deleted so it obviously dies happen
Stay on Site, forewarned is forearmed so I suppose you can try and waltz around what has been dictated to you. Over the years when younger we do not see the need of some sort of edited control. I came to terms with it if I had not I would not have continued to help others on these resources. and that could have been unfortunate., Sad to say sometimes need to bend to other peoples wishes and control
I’m not a child . Am 48
Sorry I did not wish to suggest you were a young person.
I am seventy in four weeks and if someone suggests I am still young who am I to suggest otherwise. I would love to be young again Lol
All the best
And I marked it trigger warning and returned 4 time’s
Don’t leave. This site can help you. I’m sure you got some good replies before your post was deleted. And you have received a number of positive responses today. So if they delete a post that may cross a line. That’s no reason to leave. You’ll get the gist of this. Hang around. We need you here.
Please. I'm here to talk to you
Hi . I didn’t altogether leave . I’ve only posted once in last month . But I still come on and reply to others posts occasionally . Depression etc is as bad as ever and the drug change which should be working by now , isn’t . But wtf , life goes on unfortunately .
Please don't leave. People here understand what you are going through better than anyone. We have been there. You will find support and suggestions as to what has worked for others. Unfortunately nobody has a magic wand or quick fix but we care. HUGS and BLESSINGS!