I’ve been feeling like this for 2 days seems like I haven’t been able to relax at all be i know if I go to the ER they are going to say the same thing and say I got nothing wrong with my heart it’s anxiety and depression ect hate feeling like this seriously 😔
Feeling Like Getting A Heart Attack A... - Anxiety and Depre...
Feeling Like Getting A Heart Attack And Eye Twitchy

I understand how you feel. Health anxiety is a vicious cycle. You fear something and that fear creates certain symptoms and you get scared of the symptoms, and it goes on.
However, you must rule out any potential health issues. If the ER gives you a positive signal, you will have 1 less thing to worry about. Later, you can deal with your anxiety separately.
Relax, relax, just relax.
Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, and while exhaling make a narrow 'O' with your lips. While doing it just imagine the stress leaving your mouth.
Let me know how it goes...
I hear you and feel your struggle. My anxiety also causes me chest pain and an eye twitch. Its incredibly difficult. You know that you need to relax but by telling yourself that, you stress out more because you can't relax. And around and around we go, folks.
I personally am a planner. I look at the situation stressing me out and figure out exactly what each outcome could look like. As a pessimist I start with the worst case scenario first and work my way up to what the best case scenario would be. And I analyze *everything* man. I what if myself until I'm crazy.
Sometimes this helps, sometimes it makes it worse. Depends on the situation and how horrible I'll feel about myself should the worst happen.
Have you talked to a counselor or doctor about this? Mine prescribed me a very mild anti anxiety med to take when I'm struggling to talk myself through it. Maybe it's something you could inquire about.
I also focus really hard on my breathing. In for 4 seconds, hold for 4, out for 4, hold for 4, repeat as needed. It's the only thing I will focus on during that period until I've calmed down enough to feel in control again.
I'm so sorry. Sometimes tea, or breathing exercises help me when I feel like that. I dont know how you feel about prayer, but I feel giving something to my god to handle literally takes it off my shoulders. Sometimes the serenity prayer soothes me.
Yeah I’ll be trying that out this coming weak and yes I do pray sometimes work and other times don’t
Well we are here!
Sorry you're having symptoms that scare you, I also have had the heavy chest and one blurry twitchy eye, but just got off lexapro 12 days ago so keep saying it will fade, I am a bit of an antsy person gotta be busy. I don't have an appointment til the 30th so have lots of time to figure this anxiety and face it. Is tough but I want to avoid drugs. Deep breathing sure does help!