I haven't been extremely down in the dumps lately, but I haven't been great either. I just kind of go on a day-to-day basis, do homework, go to bed, wake up, do homework, eat, go to bed, and it feels like the same cycle day-in and day-out. I just feel like a zombie on autopilot. Is there a way to get back to feeling alive again?
Always Feeling Like a Zombie - Anxiety and Depre...
Always Feeling Like a Zombie

This used to be my daily routine, too. It was not fun, and I ignored the signs that you're recognizing now. It put me in a pretty dark place, so be sure that you change your schedule. Overloading yourself with stress and not giving yourself any "fun time" is dangerous for your mental health. Your brain can only handle so much at a time before it shuts down mentally. Learn to manage how much time you spend on homework every day, and be sure to spend some time outside in the sun. Exercising will improve your mood and give you something different than homework to do. Go watch a movie, go to the nearest dog park and pet the dogs, call a friend, take a nap, eat something yummy, just do something that cheers you up.
Best of luck! I hope you feel better soon.

Thanks! I took a run today, which I haven't done in a few weeks because I've been sick and then got behind. It did feel really good!
That's awesome! Glad to hear it helped. I'm rooting for you! ❤❤
Sounds like my life, but also add my job into the mix. It's a very repetitive cycle that is past worn out.
I am so sorry you are going through this! Hvae you tried picking up a hobby? That can help bring you out of the routine of life and give you something you look forward to everyday. When I feel this way, I like to clean, paint, or watch movies! I hope this helps!