Studies have shown that using essential oils may improve sleep, enhance mood, and help with depression. Two of the best are bergamot and wild ginger. Bergamot is known for being both uplifting and calming. This acts as a hormone balancer and antidepressant. It also has sedative effects, making it an excellent option for treating anxiety as well . Wild ginger essential oil infused with several antidepressant qualities. Studies have shown that when inhaled, this essential oil reduces depression-like behaviors. It’s also believed to activate the serotonergic system, a neurotransmitter associated with various cognitive disorders, such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Wild ginger may have antidepressant qualities and . Some people also exhibited less depression feelings. I put essential oils on a paper towel and put in in my hands and breathe into it for a few minutes and it’s very calming .
Essential oils : Studies have shown... - Anxiety and Depre...
Essential oils

However, if you have pets, look up side effects on them. I was using an essential oil and it caused one of my cats a skin reaction - I didn't put it on her, but using it was enough to affect her. When I stopped, she got better. Not saying don't use it, but do follow the recommendations and thing about effects on others. (Clary sage for instance is not good if you are pregnant... the list goes on.)

I use them infusers too. I use lemon and orange one on paper towels and inhale them those are a must for me. There are differently different of essential oils for everybody. I guess people just have to look up one and see if helps them out. I have pets too and they have never had a problem with them. So true depends what kind your using. All the ones I have used have been great and very beneficial

Yes!! I love essential oils but do some research if you have pets. I’ve seen too many stories of pets getting sick because of some random essential oil that’s harmless to us
I agree!

Quality of the oils really matters. I have a particular brand I really trust. I have had unbelievable transformation from depression and anxiety. I also have 2 cats and no problems.
What brand do you use?
I use Young Living Essential Oils. They are absolutely pure, and life-changing for me and many others. Recommended to me by my chiropractic neurologist. Even my psychiatrist told me he’d never seen me better, and he bought some to see how he could help his other clients. I was able to cut my antidepressant dose in half! (Actually I gradually decreased to 1/4 of my previous dose, but then went back up a little, because of these challenging times).
I’d be happy to give you more details if you like.
There ARE a few oils you have to watch out for with pets, especially cats, and the most important thing is to make sure the pet isn’t locked in a room where there are oils diffusing. They need to be able to leave the room if they want to.
What series of young living essential oils did you use? I use young living essential oils too....
What do you mean “what series”? Do you mean which specific oils?
Yes, i mean which specific oils... because theres also a blended essential oils from young living, right?
There are so many! Young Living has over 250 essential oils and oil blends! Although each person is different...Some of the ones that have helped support me in terms of relaxation and calm are stress away, lavender, lemon, valor, peace & calming, frankincense, and citrus fresh. There's also a wonderful blend called Joy, and so many others!
Good Morning, I just purchased the young living essential oils and hope you can guide me on what to use for my anxiety that recently started up. I feel at times that I just want to jump straight out of my skin.
Thanks in advance
Hi! Sure, I’ll be happy to help. First, let me ask, where did you purchase them from? The company directly, through someone, or elsewhere?
Did you get an essential oil starter kit? Just so I know what oils you have. I love Stress Away blend. It comes in the Premium Starter Kit.
I hope you didn’t buy them from Amazon, on a different website other than Young Living. You can’t be guaranteed of their purity unless you get it directly from YL. Peace & Calming, Lavender, Valor, Frankincense are also great. All these are in the Premium Starter kit. There are plenty of others that work well Just realize that each person needs to find what works best for them. Happy to continue to help. Let me know.
Where could I find these?
You get them online from the company; however it's really helpful to have knowledgable people who can follow up and help you with any questions you may have.
I got them with the help of my chiropractor, who is a chiropractic neurologist. Since I fell in love with the oils (and their other amazing products), I also help people who are interested in them. I work together with my chiropractor and many others, and we have a great team! I'd be happy to help in whatever way I can. Just let me know.
Just FYI, If you see them on Amazon or in stores, you cannot be guaranteed of their purity.
Just look online or look for organic ones.. Also health food stores sell all types of essential oils too
I don’t trust essential oils in a health food store. to be labeled “organic “ or pure really means nothing in terms of essential oils, as there is no regulation or standard. To be labeled pure, there only has to be 5% of the oil in the bottle. The rest can be carrier oil or worse, synthetic chemicals. Young living has a seed to seal guarantee of quality. That’s why they’re the one I trust.
They work for me . I’ve never had a problem with them. I use the natural ones, pure ones if needed . I use the them is the diffusers . Or on a bracelet or necklace too . Or like I said diffusers so I can smell them in the room. It soothes me. Everything these days has chemicals. Medication has chemicals. These days you can’t find pretty much find anything that doesn’t have anything that doesn’t have chemicals. So if it helps with anxiety I do it. If it stops my anxiety attacks I do it to me it’s worth it.
Hi , I Can relate to your lack of motivation and depressed feelings,and I realise that everyone on this cite has at some point been so low that life has no meaning,I can relate to the no meaning /support ,we are here to help one another and hopefully this message can help you to pick up the pieces andbegin again to heal yourself.Get some small meal.and treat yourself to whatever you enjoy,it will take time but it works ;pamper yourself ,I play the radio classic FM and I can relate to this kind of music it was what Iplayed when helps moodiness and hopefully it can help you as you also like helping others---be kind to yourself ,nurture your strengths as well as weaknesses-none of us are perfect and we can only aspire to be the best we can ......hoping your feeling that much better today,if not contact someone you can feel good or GP.take care.
Sacred frankincense in my nostrils please.
I love using essential oils. they keep me concentrated, and help me calm down in stressful situations or help my insomnia.