I was evicted from my home and my husband is continuing to destroy my personal property. There is no protection from insane mean spirited individuals. Because he owns the townhouse he feels he has the right to box up my possessions and put them in storage.
Living in hell for 36 years of marriage - Anxiety and Depre...
Living in hell for 36 years of marriage

Call the police. He doesn’t have any rights to your personal property. If you were kicked out, police will escort you to the home and let you get your things.
Edit: In the US call 211. If you need access to legal services, housing, food, mental health services, they can help.
Hi. I’m Andy.
I am so very sorry to hear about your predicament. I can’t even begin to imagine what you must have, and are going through. It must have been hell for you.
Have you found accommodation? Are you safe?
The Police should be informed so you can be taken to retrieve your possessions. Safety first. Also you need access to the storage facility to get your goods. They are yours.
Please let us know how you are.
Take good care of yourself.
I am safe but need money and transportation to pick up personal property. He is very vindictive and not safe to be around without police protection.
Glad to hear that you’re safe.
You have to prioritise what is top of your list. In time things can be replaced. You cannot be replaced. Starting over is hard. You need shelter firstly, and safety.
I hope you can organise transport, and funds.
Keep reaching out for support here. We are here when you need to talk
Please remove your personal information.
You need to call your local police and also get legal counsel.
Call 211 in your state, they can help with legal services, housing, food, etc. They are a free non profit service and can help you.

Will do
What a nasty piece of work. I have read the advice of other forum members which I agree with, in particular with getting legal advice. The property is still yours so he needs to make good the damages.
He is 100℅disabled VA and 100 % SSI he is very controlling and vindictive
I pray I can work this out safely and fiscally
Good morning! How is it going? Have you been able to work out anything? Are you staying safe? Please let me know how you are doing! Prayers to you today!!
God is good just taking a day at the time need a car and a job
So glad to be away from the verbal and physical abuse