I could be having the best few days still a little out of it nd then it just hits me all over again. I wish there was a quick fix for this i wish i could just be happy nd stay happy i wish i could forget my past, ive accepted it and forgave the ppl who've hurt me but it still affects me nd my thoughts. I do wat i can to help others i take care of my family im financially stable i have amazing kids i have a good husband why cant i just be happy.
Depression Sucks: I could be having the... - Anxiety and Depre...
Depression Sucks

Hi, this is exactly how I have felt for years, it’s seems like not matter what I do or how hard I try, whenever I think ‘I’ve got this, things are going good’ .....BANG, knocked down again. Sometimes on my bad days I think ‘ ok, todays not good, It’s my body telling me to have a rest day’. Other times I find it really difficult.
Hope your good days soon return, xx

I’m in your spot exactly. I get knocked down for no reason. There is no reason for my bad days but I still have so many of them. I feel so guilty about the rest days... I have a lot of rest days that I’ve let my chores and self care go... I can’t seem to get going to accomplish anything
I use to feel guilty, now I enjoy them. 🤣
Set yourself small goals, just start with small chores and gentle build yourself up. Then on days when you just don’t feel like it you will not feel as guilty.
Don’t expect to much, small steps.
Best wishes xx
If wishes were money, we'd be rich....I too hate the ebbs and flows of this rotten disease. Even though I'm one of the lucky ones who is helped somewhat by medication, it still is not a cure, and I still have the ups and downs. I live in hope that someday there will be something that can switch off that gene that causes this disease. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I didn't have this. I think I've missed out on so much in my life because I had been hampered with depression and mental injury from abuse...but I also have to take credit for being a survivor, and doing as much as I was able to do.
Your post made me tear up...when u said that u have missed out on so much in your life because of depression and mental injury. I look back on my life and I have been in this downward spiral for over ten years.... living life half way.... and most recent 2 years barely hanging on.... depression has devoured my life. I have missed out on living a real life.... I’m 49 and hate my life. I don’t have kids and my family live 4 hours away from me... I don’t have any friends and my boyfriend is not supportive at all. I don’t even know what steps to take to start to build a life for myself. Take care.
When I think of all the things I’ve accomplished over the last 24yrs since my panic attacks and depression started even I am amazed what I’ve done, it’s not been easy, I have had to put a hell of a lot of effort and strength into everything I do, I started out with small things like going a walk and over the years that little walk turned into taking my first solo flight. It took 24yrs for me to do that, all little things built up into a big journey.
My abuser tried to destroy me when I was a little girl, I am determined he will not succeed. I will, no matter how many bad times I have I will continue to be a survivor xx

It is a battle some days, but we can be warriors too....some days we win, some days we just exist and get through it...but it does get better when we remember the wins more.
Im sorry to hear about what you’re going through. Depression isn’t easy it’s like a rollercoaster ride. You’ve got to buckle up and take the good with the bad. I had a great day on Tuesday, then yesterday wasn’t good, and today’s well, just today. I do what I can in terms of seeing my therapist, exercising, meditating, I take my meds, and I’ve read many books on depression. I’m very blessed to say I’m retired and I’m trying to enjoy my retirement as best as I can. I myself have ocd, depression and anxiety issues. To be totally honest about depression I think one of the most important things is to socialize. Try to spend time with people that uplift you and are positive. Even though I suffer from depression, if I’m constantly surrounding myself with people that are depressed and dwell in it, it worsens my depression. Stay safe and enjoy your family. SAMSON
When u find the answer PLEASE share!!!!
It definitely does suck my friend. My depression is worse in the morning..then gradually lifts although not completely.
Remember that it's chemical so even though parts of our lives we are incredibly grateful for our chemicals are unbalanced even with meds...meds won't make it perfect although they will help Immensely. It sounds like maybe you are overgeneralizing the word "happy" and that parts of your life you're incredibly happy with..
"Amazing kids & a great husband"
It's when depression hits and your life feels like it's crashing down life feels like it's falling apart. I wish I could be happy all the time too and I hate fighting this everyday. I often ask "What did I do to deserve this"?
My blessings 💙💛💚♥️🌻⚓💪🙏😊
I totally understand with your struggles. When depression first started in my life all seemed to be going so well. I have struggled on and off for over 20 years. I learn to accept I have a chemical imbalance that happens in my brain; it can happen in certain stressful situations, when I feel overwhelmed, recently it has happened during my time of the month when my hormones are all over the place because I am getting close to menopause. Are you on medication? I found with the right medication and counseling I learned to cope and live with my depression. I also had to remind myself each episode is only temporary and I will feel better. I learned I had to give myself breaks and know when I am struggling it is not who I am or that I caused it , it is an illness. I try to focus on my good days and when my bad days/weeks come I try to not be hard on myself, look for things that have worked in the past to bring me out of it, and know I will have good days again. I journal during my depression and when I get out of it, so I can refer back to it from time to time to remind myself what helps. Praying really helps me, listening to Christian music, reaching out on this forum, and knowing I am not alone are all support to me when I am struggling. I will be praying for you and feel free to pm me any time you need to chat. Hugs and God Bless
How are you feeling this week? I have been praying for you. Hugs