Death is feared but why.... It rights the wrongs in the world, it helps people escape, it is true freedom so why is it feared, it's feared because human minds are afraid of the unknown the unexplained and the secrets of the world.
Death: Death is feared but why.... It... - Anxiety and Depre...
I do not know the answer but wish someone could come back and inform me as most end of life people I work with are so worried if only we knew it would help
Death is a gate way to darkness or happiness.
Never thought of it like that !!
But then one wrong move and you're gone and as you hang there, are falling, or after swallowing the pills you regret it and want to keep living for the ones that love you but then everything goes black and you feel cold and numb if you're lucky you'll wake up in a hospital bed but if not you don't wake up a all.
Can you not get help ? I think you speaking from experience? I could never do it I feel like I like to die but the pain it causes we have been there.
I've tried after I jumped I woke up in a hospital bed just to wake up to this hell, I was in a coma for five months.
You are born on this world to learn from past errors and live your life in a positive way.
I imagine I was put here to learn from past errors, if we fail to do that and we leave our life without too early we just will eventually be reborn to go through these errors again. So tell my why you feel the way you do and wish after death to be pushed back and relearn from earlier past life errors. To me I prefer to complete life tasks and eventually when I die I will be given a further lifetime that is completely different and hopefully more carefree.
I wanted to go a long time ago and when they brought me back I began to understand It had been an intervention to prevent me making the ultimate error. To be honest I would have hated living through my self centred attitude to life.
Understand you have the chance to learn and anticipate positive interests in Life. Learn and Achieve