These 2 years were terrible. In 2020 i found out dad's having a baby from another woman, in 2021 it was born. I spent those 2 years in insane anxiety and ptsd. And i was hopeful for 2022. And i open the Internet to get here and i see the articles about how "Astrologists say the new year will be a disaster" and "The end of the world - estimated soon". I really can't take no more. Everything i feared happened. It's like all my nightmares are coming True. And here people say "what you resist persists and what you fear happens" and i litterary have anxiety - i constantly get thoughts of what can go wrong. The problem is that it really goes wrong. And my ocd gives me this superficious thinking. It's a nightmare, i can't take any more.
New year scaries. Scary news - Anxiety and Depre...
New year scaries. Scary news

Internet is full of fake information. Don't believe them. This year will be better than the previous ones. btw my mother said that astrologers said the exact opposite of what you've written😅. Remember you have the power to shape your fortune. Don't believe in these predictions. Keep working hard and you will get what you want.

Thank you. And yeah, i'm a person of science why do i get triggered by bs. I just got really terrible years and i'm scared. Also maybe your predictions are good, my mine and here's predictions seemed terrible. It's so stressful, i can't open the Internet without negative new popping up and i think it's a really common issue. 😖 I need to take it easier
Thanks, Luna 🌜❤️
Don't read Astrology columns, is my advice. They can be only vague at the best of times.
I don't know what you know of Astrology; it is supposed to be a science, but when you think it is predicated on your time and place of birth, with all the planetary placements changing minute by minute, you could have three people born just a minute apart on the same days, and they will all be totally different from each other. It's bunk.
Cheers, Midori
Hey Against_the_current what's your family situation? It seems very stressful for you and difficult to accept? Have you been involved with the baby?
What you describe is the typical reaction of anxiety (not you, mind this) to any changes. And especially the unknown called 'future'.
Try to give your unconscious lots for compassion and correct your self when you have those deeply negative thoughts(as suggested by another response).
You always matter and your struggle is real, but maybe don't embrace your anxiety, rather your wounded self.
Love that little vulnerable side of you and keep it away from all the negative drama of the external world (especially the news!).
Instead watch and read what is inspiring, until you can master your anxiety and not let it take over your life with fear.
Thanks. It's just i don't even know when are my thoughts or bad things (that are a lot) or my bad thoughts from the bad things. My family situation is terrible. Mom started working morning shifts(9am till 3pm) and therefore 1 we can't see dad, he can't Come because he finished his new work at 4 and she's already home, 2 we can't rest. I be still in online class and sis be just coming from school and mom pops up without us having few minutes to rest, 3 she has more time to drink. My parents' new job positions and schedule are hard to proceed. I haven't seen the baby, i don't even know it's name. I only once dad with a baby car and i almost killed myself. This thing is gonna get 1yo and i still can't proceed it. Neither know its name. I feel so bad for sis seeing mom drunk and dad with other kid younger than her. I would do everything to protect her. And sometimes this harms is. My rest of family is insane too. I actually saw dad because i was visiting uncle. I'm scared he's gonna be at dad's side. Meanwhile my other uncle has some sickness and that's driving granma crying all day and i'm worried about her health. Meanwhile this uncle's son is expecting a baby from his girlfriend and Grandma seems to not like her. Granma hates the gfs of her son and grandson. And the girl just said our family is too much, too negative. Yesterday i heard that too but so what. She's got her point. Actually i feel like getting her and running away but probably i'm saying it because i'm having a panic attack right now because 1 mom drunk, 2 granma called, 3 mom turned granma down. I don't even know when are my negative thoughts or my negative reality. I took a pill and i'm breathing but this is gonna happen again
Yep, that's one hell of a family you've got! it's clearly messing your moral compass, I totally understand that and the fact your sister is witnessing all of this is probably making it harder to walk away.
You are young and your family still plays a pivotal role in your life, but don't forget that they're just human at the end of the day and the way they are, does not mean you will have to put up with this or be triggered all the time.
Some people are lucky they can see others fuck up and not be triggered (..not me either), others take years before they learn to calm themselves and let things happen (totally me).
At the end of the day you can't prevent certain things from happening or people messing up, but you can be strong for you and your sister and teach her that there is a way out and there is life beyond our dysfunctional families. Because seriously there is, try to help as much as you want, but give yourself a limit, don't go beyond what you can take, it's never worth because people will only get better if they want to, it comes from within.
Do your best while you have to be there with them, but remember you have to work hard towards your goals, especially if you one day want to leave and live a better, healthier life for yourself and your sister. Don't give up!
I believe only 1 person knows when the world will end and that is God. I remember 30 years ago when I was a child, scientists kept saying the world will end on such and such a date and it freaked me out so much. I don't believe it anymore when I hear it. Non of it came through we are all still here. My mother used to say to me if she had a penny for every time someone said the world will end soon, in her lifetime she would be a rich woman. Don't believe everything you read or hear alot of it is just mass hysteria and created so people will be anxious about it. It could also be a thing for someone to make money off the hysteria they create in people. Don't worry about it at all.