Has anyone experienced dread having to get up in the morning and start your day. I get knots in my stomach thinking about having to get up and get through everything that needs to get done for the day. As the day wears on it gets better but mornings are torture. Thanks for your input.
Morning panic: Has anyone experienced... - Anxiety and Depre...
Morning panic

omg, every single morning. I'm having serious problems thinking of ending it every single morning I open my eyes. its not getting better. not at all. thats why I'm here.
Its day 2 of finding this place, I'm the last person that would have thought I'd be back this morning. I woke up at least 6 times with my guts shaking, it's a tough decision to try to sleep more or just stay awake, either way it's not easy. I'm glad your here with me. thank you
Yup. Had to deal with going into the office, dealing with people, the boss, etc. Not a people person. And with with 'tables in a baskeball court' open office layout it was even less appealing. Every. Friggin. Morning. Nowadays, it's much better since I have to work from home.
See if you can identify your morning trigger that you are dreading. The wife? Kids? Job? Car? Traffic? People? Food? Grab a notepad and just start writing - doesn't have to be fully formed thoughts, just everything that whips through your brain, write it down.
After a while you may see some patterns of bad s**t that is triggering your symptoms. Then you may be able to take some actions against them.
Donno - just my two cents.
Peace and blesssings to you my friend!
I do, every morning when I wake up I feel this overwhelming anxiety. I have a reason for it
I'm in pain all the time and because I don't know what to do about it I'm getting more and more depressed. No antidepressant has worked so far.
Pretty much every day of my life. It’s terrible. Some easier than others but work days are the worst. Especially when trying to rush an 8 year old out the door to school and get to work.
I have a different type of morning appointment panic where I dread getting up because I don’t know what I’m going to do all day. And that for some reason causes me to panic now. So I sleep as much as I can because that’s the only time it stops.
so true. but the worst is opening my eyes from sleep and beginning to cry because i dont want to be awake because everything is right there waiting for me to wake up. it started after my brother got killed in 1991, every time i opened my eyes it was there waiting for me. I feel lost because i dont know what to do most days. my dog is getting weird due to my weirdness. I cant imagine doing this virus with children or husband home daily, it's me and a dog and i can barely hang in.
Awww sounds like you are suffering from PTSD. This pandemic made it surface. I totally understand you. I have PTSD myself. Are you on medication?
I am. They put me on a mood stabilizer as well as anti anxiety and anti depressant. I think I’m going to ask them to change the mood stabilizer though, I don’t think it’s working.
what is a mood stabilizer ? i've not heard of this. ima zanax fan, nothing else really works for me, but I will not become addicted to zanax so i cant take it for long.
It’s easy to say but going to bed relaxed and not stressed about the morning and then waking up slowly and existing a little before you really get up helps me a lot in being less anxious about my day.
me? I'm on zoloft 200 mg day and zanax 3 times day
I got off for years then my son had an accident and i went right back down the tubes with my anxiety. my greatest fear is losing a child. I want to make that pain better and help but i know nothing really helps, I know from my brothers deaths.
It’s tough. I lost my husband and I was taking lexapro 10mg every other day and now as of 3 weeks ago I started taking it every day but hasn’t kicked in yet. Also Ativan 4x a day. That keeps me afloat but not 100percent. I feel puns and needles under my rib cage and I can only focus on my bodily pains and discomfort. I have an only child and I’m always worried about her as she suffers from PTSD as a result of her dads death. Life is a challenge.
I found that when I really need the medicine,,, it has little effect and is slow to work. If I took this kind of meds and doses when I'm not stressed or anxiety out of my head, it would knock me out for days. Truly, taking a whole zanax would 100% put me to sleep and make me groggy. but now is not that time, I'm taking 3 a day on top of Zoloft 100mg twice daily. people tell me doctors start everyone out at 50mg once a day. This all tells me that my brain is a mess :/
I remember saying never give up never surrender when I was a kid. It just popped into my head
Every single morning of my life. I don't sleep to begin with , maybe 1-2 hours tops and I start panicking about 4 am about my day. It's morning depression. I just go with it and like you as the day passes it lifts itself off. Some mornings are better than others.
I do wake up like that often. When I start to notice it; I alter my mind frame when I go to sleep. That helps me. It’s like when you go to sleep anxious, your just pressing “Pause” until you wake up. As soon as your eyes open you hit “Play” and back where you left off. So try playing a different “Movie”in your mind before bed.