Hate myself today. The house is never clean enough. I don’t want to do anything. Plagued by improper thoughts. Just tired of being me.
Self loathing: Hate myself today. The... - Anxiety and Depre...
Self loathing

Layla, I understand how you feel.. My house is such a mess and my brother always brings his girlfriend over and it’s so embarrassing! Literally messes everywhere
Try this for today. Take a walk. The entire time that you walk repeat.. I am strong. I am worthy of love. I can do anything I set my mind to. You can change the words if you want. Our mind believes what we feed it. So, let’s ask if we are feeding it positive or negative things. If you believe negative thoughts about yourself it is because you have repeated that thought many many time in your head. You have to drown that out with the positive thoughts before your mind will begin to believe them to be true. I was once told for everyone negative thought you have. You have to repeat the opposite positive thought at least 10 times to counter act it. Get outside. Get some sun and fresh air. The house can wait until later. Working on cleaning the house you are walking In for a little bit, and maybe that will help.
I get you.
I have OCD traits when it comes to housework and when I'm not in a great place I can obsessively clean a lot. I struggle at the minute as my husband and children are at home whilst I'm working so I often come home to mess or more mess than I would like.
For some reason today has set me back a bit - I felt, and maybe not that I noticed, others noticed I was a bit better, but I'm struggling, I came home in tears and keep debating going to the Crisis cafe.
Sorry I'm ranting about me, it's about you sorry. My point - your not alone
Crisis cafe? What's that? I've often dreamt of a cafe or restaurant where one can feel free to cry their eyes out if that's what's coming up without the dreaded fear of making bystanders uncomfortable. Because all the bystanders at this cafe know what it is to sob for many hours most days and the impossibility of suppressing tears when the pain becomes overwhleming. And that there is no need to freak out and try to "get help" for the crying person because it's understood they're probably aware that there's help for grieving and for mental health issues, in fact they may well be already on meds -- two or three or five different types -- and seeing a counsellor or therapist, and deligently doing their CBT or mindfulness exercises, and STILL there will be days they end up sobbing in utter desperate despair while eating lunch.
Does such a place exist? 😃
Maybe not quite like that lol!
Yes they are run by mind and the local MH services. They open at certain times and are run with volunteers and MH nurses and you can just sit in a safe space or you can chat and get assessed if you need more input etc I dont think they run everywhere but in Northamptonshire we are very lucky.
Omg I totally relate. I try cleaning but I half ass it and I wind up being so lazy. I just don’t want to do anything.
You need to give yourself a break. Don’t stress about perfection. I am sure that no one has a perfect house. Just relax and maybe clean one room at a time. Take some deep breaths and relax, you can do this!