Hello everyone 😘 I'm new to this but thought I had to try something new! Over the past couple of weeks I have been taking panic attacks daily 😢 I'm looking for any new ideas to help me cope with them anything as I really don't know how much more I can take I'm so drained 😪
Please help me with me panic attacks 😒 - Anxiety and Depre...
Please help me with me panic attacks 😒

Hi. What is it that is triggering your panic attacks do u know? Sometimes finding out what your trigger is usually can help because u can start to face it and understand it also I go on to YouTube. Stick my headphones in and listen to mindful meditation sometimes I use the sleep hypnosis ones as they help with your breathing and things like that. Hope you feel better. Having anxiety and panic attacks sucks x
Thanks so much for your advice means alot 😘 I'm just worrying about everything going on I fear my family will get covid19 😔 I also think it's being at home a lot having more time to think about things like trauma that happened when I was a little girl it's brought it all to surface again 😭 x
My fears are the same. Are you in the UK?
I think that a lot of it is no trust when it comes to anxiety. It's like the trust has been ripped away and you can't seem to trust no more ie government/ Dr's altho we should have more trust as they are the professionals I just find I do struggle in trusting people and that has come from my past also. Our past affects us a lot and is very hard to overcome. I have been suffering ftom anxiety for 5 years now and I still have attacks where I am in total denial that anxiety can cause all these horrible symptoms I am feeling. But every time the symptoms go away I am like woe that must have been anxiety what a horrible thing. Every time I have had anxiety attacks they have been different depending on the trigger and what I am over thinking. I keep seeing people putting that this virus only has a 1% death rate so the chances of you getting it and dying are very small and I don't know how true this is but you know it makes sense considering how many people have recovered. Try think of the positives like the amount of people that have overcome this virus and in some cases many of these people are elderly. Your only young aswell. The media try scaremongering and I know this as I have been majorly scared by this virus since January before it hit the UK. Try not listen to anything about the virus. Avoid it all together. I ain't knowing the death rates or the infection rates the past 2 days and hope in ignoring it will stop me from over thinking it as much x
Thank you x
Hi Kelbo21. Panic attacks are horrible. I’ve been having them more lately then ever. It’s tiring to manage them and being a parent at the same time. I’ve tried limiting my caffeine lately and doing more diaphragmatic breathing exercises (YouTube) and mindfulness apps and walking. I hope you can find something that can help. Good luck.
Why worry about something that is extremely unlikely to happen to you or your family? The answer is: because you have anxiety disorder which magnifies normal concerns and small worries out of all proportion.
I will tell you what it is that makes your panic attacks keep happening. It is your reaction to them that ensures another. When panic strikes you feel the first flash of fear. Nobody can help that. But you then respond to it with second fear. A second flood of adrenalin that keeps your nerves over sensitised.
The way to respite and recovery is long established. Do the opposite of what your instinct tells you. Do not hide from the attack when it comes or seek oblivion in distraction. Instead pass through your panic. Stand your ground. But do not fight it for fighting causes you more tension and stress and so even more adrenalin: the fear hormone.
Instead accept it for the moment. I'm not talking about forever I mean for the time being. Do not resist its advance. Agree to co-exist with it, unwelcome guest though it is. Let it wash over you even as a wave breaks on a rock. Panic attacks are very uncomfortable but they are not life threatening. Let it do its worse it will soon recede.
The key word here is Acceptance. Practice accepting it. If you do you will not bring forth so much fear hormone. But it's going to take more than an afternoon to fix, acceptance can be difficult to begin with.
Once you truly accept your panic attacks you stop feeding your over sensitive nerves with fear. Slowly they recover and stop troubling you with these attacks.
You can do nothing about what happened to you as a child. Do not allow the culprit to plague the rest of your life. Exorcise it, a line must be drawn under it. Do not give the culprit the satisfaction of anything else.
Everything is going to be fine for you. You are in no danger. These attacks are meaningless short circuits in the nervous wiring. Nothing more. They will pass when you deny them their sustenance which is fear.
This is your way forward. The present and the past have nothing to offer. Act on what you read here and you must recover.
I’m just now reading this reply. You nailed it! I hope that many more people that suffer from GAD and panic attacks reads it too. Acceptance goes a long way as far as recovery goes! Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
Acceptance is the method first popularised by Claire Weekes in her first book 'Self help for your nerves' also published under the title 'Hope and help for your nerves. It's life changing. It has helped millions recover since first published 60 years ago. If you only read one more book in your life, this is that book. I wish you well and an early recovery.
Walk ,breathe, walk breathe etc . Keep going till you feel better❤️
Hi, Iv been suffering panic and anxiety over a year Iv tried medication and therapy but ended up coming off them, since lockdown my anxiety felt worse again and more frequent panic attacks, I ordered the Dare book & honestly the technique has helped me a lot I read the whole book in 2 days and it’s made me feel more confident in controlling how I feel it’s crazy how much it’s helped! I hope you are okay x
What is the Dare book?
It’s called Dare a way to end anxiety and stop panic attacks it’s the same guy who does the dare app if you put dare book in amazon it was £12 I think but so worth a read Iv managed to get a full understanding & a way to mange myself, it’s all about how to run towards how you feel not fearing it I have a lot of problems with body sensations and now when I get them I tell myself why it’s happening instead of panicking and it seems to help my anxiety end quicker rather than it last for days, I still get anxious but not as much as I did if that makes sense but over time it’s supposed to train your brain to not respond to any anxious feelings, hope this helps x
I understand, First Please DONT Talk to friends or family about what you’re going through because they will get frustrated with you and turn away cause they don’t know what to do for You. Seek counseling for help. Coming here is a good idea, we do understand what you’re going through and will support you. Also when you’re having anxiety attack try to Not fight it, it will get Worse. It will pass it may Not seem like it? But it will, try to find something to distract yourself? Write again if you Need too, we’re here for You 🙏
Hi there, I have learned the hard way not to go to family and friends as they just don't understand and you said walk away!! I have been trying different techniques and they have been helping also I got a lot of advice on here yous have all been amazing 😘😘
Very very very caring people here in a world of crows and barracudas
These people care
Music helps me unwind and calm down as I get panic attacks now since hospitalization
Music very soothing etc
Or favorite music maybe it reminds me of more innocent days however it works and drawing however it works I don’t care
Most people can’t relate these people can and the people who run this program aren’t like the doctor controlled hospitals of old
This is more client based
When I was a caretaker nobody thoughbteice about how people were allowed to decorate or their interests
Nobody was allowed to mess with anyone else
Or judge anyone else it’s not the medical model where the doctor or therapist is wel and the client is sick
I dint agree with this as I’m very very productive
From the classic condescending approach. By people who know nothing about my industry
Panic attacks come from trauma which as u know is not a sign of weakness
I doubt u would judge anyone if lrib say
Why wouldn’t u be traumatized !!!!
Why wouldn’t a foster kitten or puppy not be scared irctrUmstized
So try to test yourself as a lost puppy etc
Lots of tlc
Ur safe here with these people
They have helped hundreds of people as I’ve been watching
Take what helps nobody gets upset
Lots of insightful
People say it better than I
Including yurself
Take care
In honor of those who were kind to me
Building a windchime for the forest on our farm for all of you that have been so kind
People don’t laugh or are rejecting here

Thanks so much for your advice have took all on board 😊
Mine happen in my sleep makes them 10x worse wake up sweaty chest tight confused first time thought I was having heart attack but breathing in through your nose out deep through the mouth helps eases it of may take 5-10 mins to calm down though , any more questions inbox always open . Good luck
its NOT abbynormal- no matter what anyone and I mean anyone says...…...we ride them out together...…..believe me there are seals that have them...……….try to have a safe place to go in your mind or safe or lovely music...……..whatever works works...……..K? whatever****** works works...……..for me -- having smiley faces on my computer or making comics or stuffed animal friends ……….pets, lots of answers that help and comfort us...…….no critics allowed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We are your blind side players...…...anyone who gives our friends a hard time...……...will be rapidly escorted out the door...………..
Covid has been so hard on all of us with mental issues. Go see a psychologist or psychiatrist- or both. Exercise and sunshine can help, but you may need meds. Good luck