My girlfriend tells me how I’m the greatest guy in the world but broke up with me after 2 years. There was nothing wrong in our relationship and we were both happy. She has no reason of explaining why she did it and she continues to want to sleep with me and talk to me. It’s driving me crazy that I can still act like I have her but she’s not actually my girlfriend.
Relationship: My girlfriend tells me... - Anxiety and Depre...

I understand how that feels. I had to eventually let go of that person because it’s just too hurtful. Gotta realize what u deserve and u deserve more than someone picking and chose wen and how they get to be in ur life!
I think that's not good for either of you, specialy to you. In my point of you, you two either are togheter or not, things like that don't work, specialy if real feelings are involve. Look I don't know either of you but if that's happening sounds a little bit toxic that relatioship, maybe the best is to really get away from each other for some time, and see if you two really like each other and if you want to make that work. Letting things be like that is not good, I think you need to have a serious conversation with her, and if she doesnt want to change, well I'm sure that there is another girl for you!
I hope everything works, you deserve to be happy!
If you need anything else, I'm here!
Oh that’s rough. She still cares about you and you her & she’s being honest. Its hard to breakup when you e spent so much time together and care but it’s not the right fit for her. It’s her choice but it’s not about you as a person she likes who you are sometimes no one is to blame it just is. But it’s not healthy to be doing that so you may want to stop that as it’s hurting you and dragging out the pain.
I would say it is time to cut her loose, she is using you. No one likes to be used.
Give yourself time to heal, and when this virus dies down, consider looking into dating again. I wish you well, sending love n hugs....Sprinkle 1.....
I feel for your sadness and frustration but this sounds like a serious relationship with a most important and missing piece. Are you strong enough to cut her off? Because that’s what you must do or your feelings will remain the same. Take charge and tell her it’s over. Not because you ‘re being mean but because you are responsible for you’re happiness and you’re not happy or you wouldn’t be writing. Think about it, and keep us posted. Carpe Diem my friend!❣️
I suggest you tell her it’s over.
Often times the two year mark is a pivot point in a relationship. Women often want the relationship to get more committed at the two year point - or they lose interest. Is it possible that your girlfriend wants to move the relationship towards engagement and marriage - without telling you so? You may want to talk with a counselor or Pastor to get some guidance as to how to proceed. In a relationship - we want the other person to be committed to us - not just liking us for sex.