I feel like lately I burst into tears over the littlest things and can't control my emotions. I started tearing up talking to my boss today about everything extra that's been piled on me lately and felt so stupid. Other little things have got me choked up and overly emotional that normally wouldn't and I can't control it. Anyone else ever feel this way? Any advice how to handle it?
Crying over every little thing - Anxiety and Depre...
Crying over every little thing

I cry often and try not to in front of people, and it keeps me from going around people because I never know when it'll come. But honestly to hell with it, if I need to cry, then I'm going to cry, we are only human and I'm getting sick of hiding it. I do it in the shower sometimes, and it feels good to get it out sometimes. Some days I cry all day, like yesterday I had 4 crying spells and today I only had two, then I might go two weeks without another. Lots of times I don't know if I'm crying because I'm depressed or just so anxious I'm scared to death. I try not to let a day that I cry define my day, instead of just saying "I had a bad day because I cried today and I didn't yesterday". It just happens.

I rarely cry in front of people but the last couple months I've had a tough time stopping it. You're probably right that it's good to get it out sometimes. Maybe I just need to watch a sad movie and get it all out. Holding it back sometimes makes it worse.
Crying spells at work could be from being burnt out. I’m in a similar boat and the burnout is from both professional and personal life. Make sure you’re taking time for you and allowing yourself to give boundaries (saying no if you don’t have the ability to take on more projects right now). Mental health is key and while we all know that, it’s tough to prioritize in our busy world. But oh so important.
Don’t feel stupid for sharing with your boss. It’s a good sign you stood up for yourself and are on the right path now that you’ve openly shared your stress. Hopefully he/she will shift things around to help you feel less overwhelmed at work, if possible.
Keep your head up!
That's a good point about burnout causing it. I think the fact that I live alone and have no relief outside of work and with everything going on these days it's just all building up. One of the things I started to cry over today was from a neighbor so I guess it's not all work stress. It could have a lot to do with being so isolated and not having anyone I feel I can talk to outside of work. I don't expect much to change with work. My boss always asks what he can do to help but never actually does anything. So I guess it's on me to learn how to deal with it all and say no if I can, which is a hard thing for me.
Definitely - we are in a crappy time right now with social isolation making everything else that much more stressful. Have you tried calling family and friends? Having video chats has been very helpful for me, even tho initially I don’t want to do them, I always feel better when I do. Also try to get outside as much as possible, the sun will do you wonders!
I’m bad at saying no at work also. For me, I always think I can do it and by the time I realize I’m maxed out after realizing ALL that was piled on me over time, I’m just frustrated so I choose to isolate myself and not bring anything up. Which results in me blowing up from time to time... ugh
You sound so much like me. I also reject doing video chats initially but you’re right, connecting with people right now is so important for our emotional well being. It also gets easier the more you do it. I tend to shut down and let sadness and fear consume me which is just a spiral into negative thinking and depression. Anything we can do to keep our spirits up and make this awful time easier is what should be prioritized.
My family isn't great at listening to me complain. They either tell me what I'm doing wrong/try to fix things and make me feel worse or just blow me off. I don't have a lot of close friends to talk to about things either.
It had been snowing here up until last week so I haven't been able to get outside much. I went out for a walk yesterday and felt better but ran into my neighbor when I got back who got mad at me for something I cut down on my side of the fence that she claims is still her property, which nearly had me in tears again and now makes me not want to go outside in fear of seeing her again.
I remember crying a lot a few years ago when suffering bad anxiety .
After seeking help and understanding why it happens the tears became less , I became stronger and now live beyond anxiety .
Dare by Barry mcdough
Living on your nerves by Claire weeks both helped me a lot and still do to this day .
I chose audio version as it made me feel they were in the room with me helping me through it .
This site also played a very important part to my recovery .
Hope you can say the same one day soon 💕🌈🌷❤️xx
Umm i guess if you've never been this way before means that you're a little stressed now, let it out whenever you feel like crying maybe you need to be vulnerable. Plus crying is good 😊 dont be ashamed. Bonus idea : check your hormones, maybe there's something that's making you super sensitive.
U need to cry when u alone not infront of ur boss
I have been there many times and it is an awful feeling when you feel out of control of our emotions. But don’t try to stuff it away. Otherwise it will just come out at the worst time. Do you see a therapist or take any medication? I find when I am the most tearful my meds aren’t working and I need to make a change. But crying is a release and sometimes we all need a release. I also find that changing my environment helps me feel more grounded and calm. Even just walking into another room or going outside. Exercise helps too! Hang in there
Thank you. That's good advice. I do see a therapist and I was on medication up until the beginning of this year so I realize that could have something to do with it. But I'm through the nasty withdrawal I feel through the beginning of March and started to feel gradually better up until this past week. It makes sense what others said earlier about the stress and not having an outlet to release it. After an argument with my neighbor I was a mess for a few hours then I texted my mom about it and started to feel a little better instantly just having someone to tell, even though she didn't have the ideal response that would help me feel better. I think when I feel trapped in my own head and feel like I'm stupid and do everything wrong that it gets overwhelming. Having someone to make me feel like I'm not completely crazy and stupid seems to help.
Hi Indiegal, I cried in front of my male boss 2 years ago when I was under extreme stress. I felt embarrassed but I could not stop it from happening. He acted like it wasn’t happening.... from that point forward I would mentally prepare myself for our meetings and keep myself very focused on specific work topics only.... I ended up getting a prescription from my doctor for Ativan or Xanax so I could control myself and take the edge off before important work meetings.. I’m sorry this is happening to you and pray for u to work thru these difficult times. Take care!
I would carry Kleenex with me and if you're in the presence of others and the crying is coming on, say, "Excuse me," and leave the room. Go cry. That is one idea. If you need to give someone a reason for crying suddenly, you could say something that includes the ideas that "the Coronavirus pandemic has me on edge. It's so stressful. I am overwhelmed."
Not that you need a reason or an explanation, but the pandemic is a valid and realistic reason that most people should understand--the pandemic has the whole world on edge. It attacks mental health, even among people who've never had a problem with mental health. Many people cry--it is a common human response to stress overload. We need to be compassionate for others and ourselves and let tears flow. Privately may be best.
If you're with someone who doesn't appreciate tears, then I'd say try to get out of that person's life, and if you can't, say, "Excuse me," and leave the room. Go cry.
By the way, I am writing this because I couldn't find my small flip phone. It rang and rang, and I could hear it but couldn't see it. My day had started out so well. But this minor inconvenience pushed me to instant tears and feeling life wasn't worth living and that I'm so stupid. My husband came home and called my phone half a dozen times as I looked all about me where the ringing was. Finally, found it! The phone was stuck inside the recliner chair. Now I have to fight to get back my good day.
So glad you are posting! Crying is ofen a relief from pain. The crying can help us deal with "unidentified" pain. Reaching out here seems like a great option to help you figure out the root of the pain.
This pandemic can certainly make us all a little more lonely than usual and anxious and stressed. Praying for you to know you are amazing and wonderful and ENOUGH! Hugs and blessings to you today!