My ability to cope with anxiety and depression are becoming overwhelming!
My ability to cope with anxiety and depression are becoming overwhelming!
This can be such a hard place to be in. Know that you are not alone and you are so much more than your anxiety and depression. What coping methods have worked in the past? What coping methods are you trying that just aren't working anymore?
Just be, be in the moment, take note of the things around you, the good and the bad but focus on those good things that just turn your lips up slightly into a kinda smile...the shape of the clouds, the neighbor's cat sitting in your flowerbeds, the feel of the wind in your hair.
It's just a moment but you can have as many of those moments on your day as you need. I know lifes pretty rubbish sometimes, a lot of times for some of us, and this might not be the answer but give it a go once, hey I might even take my own advice, and if you that moment your shoulders lift and your head is lifted - it's done you a smidge of good x