I Don’t Know What To Do: I have been... - Anxiety and Depre...

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I Don’t Know What To Do

Gemini-93 profile image
32 Replies

I have been feeling very alone and hopeless. Never seem to get things right and everything I enjoy just kinda slip away from me. I have to take care of my kids because if I don’t no one else will. Times I can’t even sleep and there is times I don’t even want to get out of bed. I have family telling me to do this or do that and all I want is to do what will make me happy. I’m so tired of being unhappy. I am miserable just not myself anymore. I can’t keep a job or a roof over me and my kids heads. It’s breaking me apart to see my kids having to see me like this.

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Gemini-93 profile image
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32 Replies

Hi Gemini and welcome.

Sounds like you're going through an awful lot just now. Doesn't help when people tell you to do this or that either. Would be nicer if they would just quietly be there for you, give you a little support that you want, not try to boss you about, tell you what to do. You must be exhausted.

Are you in the UK or US?

Gemini-93 profile image
Gemini-93 in reply to Mary-intussuception

Hello Mary,

Thank you for your reply and i am exhausted. That’s what I want support and not be told what I should or need to do. I am in the US.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Gemini-93

I so hope you can get some rest and catch up on sleep.

Thinking of you.

You just remember how Precious you and your beautiful kids are.

I agree with what you said in your profile - you will come through this.

Lots of Love


(Wales , UK )



Starrlight profile image

I hear you. I’m really struggling right now too. I’m trying to do what is needed and not push too hard; trying for balance. Go easy and enjoy your kids when you can. I am finding that all the schooling I feel pressured to teach to my kids I can do in my own way and it’s better for my mental health. Find what works for you and ignore what doesn’t. How old are your kids if you don’t mind sharing?

Gemini-93 profile image
Gemini-93 in reply to Starrlight

Thank you for your advice and I will keep that in mind. My kids are 5 and 8.

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to Gemini-93

My boys are 8, 12 and 24

Best to you. How are you doing now?

Gemini-93 profile image
Gemini-93 in reply to Starrlight

I am feeling a little better now that I have found this support group. You guys are starting to me less alone.

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to Gemini-93

That so great Gemini! Yes we are here for you. ❤️

How is your day going so far?

Gemini-93 profile image
Gemini-93 in reply to Starrlight

So far it’s going ok. The kids are calm and relaxed and so am I. Thank you for asking. I am trying to do my best not the let my feelings overwhelm me.

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to Gemini-93

Same here trying to not let feelings overwhelm. I’m happy you are in a good place. Me too... I pray we can stay here for a bit .

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Gemini-93

You're never alone on here Gemini


Irishinthebay profile image


I’m so sorry you’re struggling. I’ve been in the same position. My kids are 9 & 6 and because of depression, I’m not able to work right now. I had to send my babies to their dad’s house, give up my apartment and I’m now staying with my brother and his wife while I try to get through this depression. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do but I’m no use to my kids when I can barely take care of myself never mind them.

Do you have anyone that can help you with the kids? Are you under the care of a doctor?

I’m really sorry, I know how it feels.


Gemini-93 profile image
Gemini-93 in reply to Irishinthebay

Hello Michelle,

thank you for sharing your story. I to lost my home and is now staying with my sister and mother so they help me out at times but sometimes they can be overbearing when it comes to my kids. I do have a doctor but I haven’t seen him since February and I also have a therapist who I do phone sessions with every two weeks.

Hello Gemini, I can relate. I have struggled with depression & anxiety my whole life. I don't know anything else. What I've learned though is that nobody knows what I need better than me. And I don't know what I need unless I take time to be still with myself to listen to my inner voice (or God if that is your belief). I know Its nearly impossible to that when raising kids alone but for the sake of your sanity (and your kids), I strongly suggest you make time. This is the only way to find some kind of clarity. Not saying that I have mastered in...just saying that it is a start. I journal when I feel really stuck (emotionally paralyzed). It really helps. Better yet (and I don't do this well), try finding someone to watch your , turn off ALL electronics, take a deep breath and just sit quietly with yourself for maybe 10-15 minutes. The world won't come to an end without you. I start crying nearly every time I do this but that's ok...must be a good cry is what I need right now. Good luck to you!

Gemini-93 profile image
Gemini-93 in reply to

Hello Flgwashuped,

Thank you for your advice and I will try this. I do feel it will help and maybe this is what I have to do in order to ease my mind and help me find myself for my kids sake.

utep99 profile image

When life gets hard and you feel alone it helps a lot to remember that despite feeling you are alone. That there is a God that no matter where you are in your life and no matter how alone you feel there is a God there also. Sometimes it is hard to believe that you are loved no matter what, Sit down and give the problems to God to solve and do NOY take them back God will help you. I know that you may think I am some kind of Bible Thumper but I have been where you are at a faith the stronger the better is a great help. God will help all you have to do is wait and have faith.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to utep99


Gemini-93 profile image
Gemini-93 in reply to utep99

Thank you Utep99

I do believe in God and I do pray and maybe I need to have more faith. Just been going through it and I do appreciate your comment.

Starrlight profile image

How are you doing now? Sending out good vibes ((((((((((( ❤️

Gemini-93 profile image
Gemini-93 in reply to Starrlight

I am feeling better it’s nice to know that there are so many people out here who are going through the same things I am. Thank you

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to Gemini-93

Nice! Yes! ❤️

Starrlight profile image

How are you doing today? ❤️ 💕 💗

Gemini-93 profile image
Gemini-93 in reply to Starrlight

I am feeling well not to bad. I am going to start back journaling today.Thank you for checking up on me I appreciate it.

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to Gemini-93

Sounds nice 👍

Let me recommend something that has worked for ages and will still work for you...the BIBLE. You may not be a Christian, but try to get one and read through the psalms daily. They really work, try reading even just a sentence daily. The servants and children of God also had hard times. Times of failures, depression, mixed feelings, uncertainty...name it. You know what they did? Each time they pour out their feelings to Jehovah,and they got helped/consoled. Jehovah wants you to pour out your feelings towards him. You don't necessarily have to pray in the same way you've heard other Christians pray (although you do have to call on the name of Jesus, for in him we are made righteous and he serves as an high priest/mediator who speaks to Jehovah on our behalf), and even your groans are not meaningless to him. He knows our needs but does not want to meddle until you invite him into your life. You may be a Christian and may be wondering "why don't I have peace?". It's may be because you don't honour him. Give him honor, show that he is significant by praying and reading the Bible daily. You can't strengthen yourself spiritually without the word of God, likewise a baby can't develop well without desiring and taking milk.

Of cause these will seem hard in the first place, but try reading it out to a partner daily, maybe your children and you will enjoy it. You won't want to disappoint them. I recommend this for you because it's a thing I read with my mom. Don't feel sad, there is a father who is reaching out to you, yearning to shower you with all his love. All you need is to accept him, make him your intelligence. Without him you are incomplete. He is called a lamp, why? Cause you have to carry a lamp every side you turn to at night, if you drop your lamp you might end up tripping, because the light does not produce a strong beam. That's why you've got to carry God along every where, for him to illuminate your paths. Have a Wonderful time with our great father, a grand mistery that can't be unravelled with our peanut brains.

God blesses those who are poor and realizes their need for him, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs.

God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the whole earth.

God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied.

God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God.

God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God.

God blesses those who are persecuted for doing right, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs.

God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers.

Be happy about it! Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in heaven. And remember, the ancient prophets were persecuted in the same way. (Matthew chapter 5, verse 3 through 12).

in reply to

Empty promises. God blesses the poor, why are there still so many poor people? God blesses those who mourn, why are there all these suicides? God blesses those who are humble, Donald Trump becomes president. God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice? Maybe, sometimes. God blesses those who are merciful, Jesus the most merciful is tortured and crucified. You can say they get there reward in heaven but you dont know that. They are all empty promises. You can have faith that they happen. But I can have faith that something else happens. It's all just sacrificing this life for another life that you have no idea about.

in reply to

The greatness of God is foolishness onto man.

in reply to

So we are supposed to follow god but we have no idea how to understand him because we are all fools. Just blindly follow him?

in reply to

Are you on WhatsApp, please send your number so I can private chat you, and explain things.

in reply to

Please send me your WhatsApp number.

in reply to

Calm down please. You totally misunderstood my statement. I said the greatness of God is foolishness to man. I didn't say we are foolish, I meant Jehovah God uses things that seems foolish or meaningless to our peanut brains for his greatness.

Please send your WhatsApp number if you have one, I really need to explain things to you while I still have the time.

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