We’ve been seeing each other/together almost a year now. Started out as friends. I did not intend for it to go further than just platonic. One of his friends was actually hitting on me at the same time he was but he(my boyfriend) kind of stood back and was less aggressive and I liked that. I was attracted to him for a few more reasons. He seemed pretty down to earth, our conversations could go all night about anything under the sun.
Shortly, after I finally agreed to go out with him I noticed:
•he wanted to be on the phone with me ALL the time. Many times we’d be silent for long periods of time or he’d still be at work or I’d be at work and he would insist on just having me on the phone. I’m not a phone/talker person. I talk a lot for my job and in my private life I prefer texting on the phone and talking in person. I told him that and he pulled back a bit once or twice but still insists. I love that he enjoys contact but what’s the point of having me on the phone if he’s busy working or I’m trying to take a shower(yes!) or if we’re both dog tired from working? I’ve adapted a bit but I have to almost abruptly end our phone time sometimes just so that I can have some “me” time/silent time.
• he has a temper which often goes from 0-100 and his response is often not equal to /reasonable for the issue he gets upset about. His mom has even told me how she doesn’t like the way his temper is even with her and his son. She also told me how jealous he gets of me when he sees me or hears me talking to a male that I may know. He acts like it’s no big deal so why does bring stuff up later or make comments like the truth will always come out or he doesn’t know what I could be up to while he’s working and I’m not... Hu?
•he acts confident and as if things aren’t a big deal at first but blows up at a later time or brings up things that I never thought bothered him.
If he wanted to know so badly what I was doing when I’m not on the phone with him, why wouldn’t he just come out and ask? Or does he already know , meaning has he possibly gone through my phone? I have had an ex or two contact me but I have not been responsive and let them know I was now dating someone. I sometimes get a feeling that he just has all these ideas in his head and blows up at random times.
•••Are men just typically like this or is this a relationship that may cause me more stress than not?•••
Thanks for feedback.