I was sick last October 2019, and everyday since I’ve suffered extremely bad with anxiety attacks, and cannot seem to beat these emotions, I’ve started to gain ocd with constantly looking for magpies in twos for a sign of hope, and if I don’t find anyone or only find one I have a panic attack. I’m trying to get therapy however I’m not fortunate enough to buy any sessions. I also am very unopen to the words and can only use the word sick. I also have slowed down my eating and can’t sit around for long periods of time. I also have a constant fear of the what ifs (what if I’ll be sick/gag/feel sick) If anyone can give me help on how to over power the feeling would be very appreciated.
Emetophobia : I was sick last October... - Anxiety and Depre...

Hi KittyKat! You’re not alone with anxiety! Let’s think about the magpie thing for a moment and realize that that’s just a component of anxiety and it really has absolutely no meaning - I promise you. I used to throw my keys behind my head, and if they touched my hair on the way past then something good was going to happen. Silly right? It’s just a part of anxiety. The content fear of what ifs is also just another anxiety symptom. So, you are experiencing anxiety due to a significant event. What have you looked into for ways to accept it and calm yourself down?
I’m trying to Take deep breaths, I’ve also tried writing emotions down which help but the what ifs cause me to panic again, I’m trying to get therapy but have very little response from NHS. So this is the next best thing to get advice and have a slight guidance to get through these attacks. I’m having a panic attack now and have been since 5pm. Thankyou for reaching out
Don’t try to over power the feelings. They are completely natural whilst in an anxious state. If you are feeling happy, do you try and change that feeling to one of sadness? Or, if you are sad, can you force yourself to feel happy?
Feelings change without us having to do anything to force the situation. One of the reasons people cannot seem to escape their anxiety disorder is because they are constantly trying to change the way they feel. It’s a battle...with themselves. They are constantly chasing their own tale and will never catch it.
If you learn to accept how you are thinking and feeling, you stop the mental battle and your mind and body can then start to heal and for normal thoughts and feelings to return.
I understand this advise, I just don’t understand how to accept it
Turn all those what if thoughts into so what! OCD develops because you are doing something to stop yourself from feeling the symptoms of anxiety. Stripped down, it’s an avoidance technique but anxiety thrives on avoidance.
Acceptance is about letting yourself think and feel everything and not doing anything to avoid or suppress those thoughts and feelings. How can you rid yourself of something that you are not prepared to feel?
Look up Dr Claire Weekes on the Internet. If you follow her teachings in full, you will recover.