I just need help and support right now I was in a 3 month relationship with a guy called Ben burbidge I thought he really loved me and cared for me then he started flirting and chatting too other women on dating websites he’s now got a new girlfriend that he’s engaged too it’s been 3 weeks since he cheated on me and dumped me for another woman by text message I don’t have a lot of female friends right now so I just want some help and support right now for my anxiety and depression as he financially emotionally and sexually abused me
Need help: I just need help and support... - Anxiety and Depre...
Need help

Hi unicorndiva210 and Welcome to the Anxiety & Depression Forum.
I noticed that you were on another forum "Mencap" so I couldn't respond.
In order to protect your safety, I would advise in being careful in how much
personal information you divulge. You say you are a vulnerable young lady
and I want to keep you from harm. It's best to stay with your username and
no matter how angry you are, not to mention the full name of others.
This is not to criticize you but to inform you. I'm glad you are here with us.
You've found a nice group of men and women who really care and support
each other. Stay safe. xx
Agora1 is very wise and she has given you some really good advise which I hope you will listen to
If this person has done these things to you especially sexually abuse you then you need to report it to the police
You say you have learning difficulties so I wonder if you have some support workers , if you do tell them to
Stay safe
Take Care x

Yeah I have support workers I’m trying too get more hours as i only have 15 hours each week I’m okay just feeling pretty rubbish right now
I am glad you have support workers they are there to help and to really benefit from that help you need to tell them everything , they will have heard it all before and more so do not be afraid to open up to them
I am also pleased to hear you feel a little better today , you can come and talk to us whenever you want but stay safe on Social media and never give out to many details just talk about how you feel x

I’m never safe on social media think I’m being groomed online by a guy number who wants me too call me him daddy as he wants a daddy and daughter relationship I’m never safe on social media me and social media don’t go very well
You must report this person , if you feel you cannot do that then delete them , come of the site straight away and certainly do noting that they ask you to do
No one is 100% safe on social media but you seem to realize what this person is saying is wrong and as soon as you get that thought then delete what ever you are on as well as been careful what you join x

Okay I will do I’ve blocked this mans number and I don’t know what too do about reporting him my sister thinks I need too report this person but I’m not too sure
Your Sister is right you do need to report them , you could report it to the police or tell your key worker when you talk to her and she would or should help you
Just talk to friends you already know and can trust x
I hope you get some more hours offered you
Why do you think you are feeling pretty rubbish at the moment ? x

I wanna get some more hours with my support worker but my social worker isn’t being much help she’s a bit rubbish you see but I’m never safe on social media I’m being groomed by a man who wants me too call him daddy
Boy, did you ever have a narrow escape! Congratulations! I know you must be feeling bad right now, but think about what a life you could have had if you pursued a relationship with that bad man. Best wishes.

Aww thanks so much for your kind and sweet message thanks so much hun it’s much appreciated i am feeling bad right now thought he loved me but he didn’t he’s now engaged too somebody else
Aww okay thanks hun I’m gonna tell my support worker and maybe the support worker will tell adult care services and thankyou for being so kind and lovely it’s much appreciated