I joined this community just for the reason to ask if anyone can help me find a way to help my depressed friend
We have been penpals for quite some time and over the last few months he has shown a lot of depression symptoms. He tells me that he is anxious and even cuts himself. Sometimes he rewiels that he can't sleep and constantly has nightmares.
I'm very worried about him. Scarred even. I think if nothing is done he might even go as far to try and take his own life. He has talked about it before.
I suggested seeking professional help, but he doesn't want to search for anything. He doesn't even want to try. No motivation about anything at all.
I want to help him so badly. We live in different countries so I can't just go to his house to help him in person and I don't have the skills or the mental strenght to help him trough emails.
What should I do? How do I help him? He won't listen to me, just get angry when I suggest something.