Im at work, feeling my heart pounding and really scared. Please send me support.
Scared. Panic attack. Please support. - Anxiety and Depre...
Scared. Panic attack. Please support.

Breathe deeply. Close your eyes and breathe in through your nose to the count of 5. Breathe out slowly to the count of 10. Do this until you feel like you're regaining a bit of calm.
Go to the bathroom, give your self a big hug, breathe, and tell yourself "I am held. I am loved. I am heard. I am supported."
Im going through a lot. Feeling depressed too.
I understand 100%. It's okay to go through this stuff. There's nothing wrong with it. It's a process of working out all the kinks in your being. It's all a process. You have a choice to observe the process or to identify with it. Remember a time where you've felt carefree and without worry and totally suppported by life. That is your true nature. Everything else is not who you truly are.
Hi, Dolphin80,
I’m so sorry you are going through this. And unfortunately, I can identify, because I have had some terrible anxiety attacks in the past. And a couple of milder anxiety attacks when I woke up this morning, First I woke up feeling cold chills all through me and my heart beating faster than normal. Then woke up again with my heart beating too fast and skipped a few beats. I started to freak out and called a Crisis Line, but it didn’t help me much. I ended up surfing the internet to get my mind off of it, which helped and calmed me down. Then i wrote in the Forums and have been hanging out on here all day. And it has helped me immensely.
I hope you are feeling better. Are you still at work? How are you doing now?