I lost both my brothers three years ago to alcoholism. I feel like it was more than passing on to a better place where I’ll see them again some day. To me, it’s like they disappeared. Like they didn’t exist at all. Has anyone else felt this way? I’ll never be able to call them or hug them ever again. What happened to my family? We were the foundation before we branched off starting families of our own. I thought we would be a support for each other when our parents passed. Now it’s just me left to cope alone when that day comes. I miss them both so terribly! Every since they died, I’ve felt so lost. This was never supposed to happen. I fought so hard to save them. I just can’t find the will to pretend I’m happy with my life anymore. Will I ever be okay again?
In pieces: I lost both my brothers... - Anxiety and Depre...
In pieces

Very sorry for such huge /life changing losses in your life. It’s no wonder you feel the way you do . Do you see a therapist? If not I would recommend seeing one as the loss of 1 loved one can be difficult to cope with yet you have lost 2 brothers. You could also join a grieving support group . Being around people who have experienced similar issues is a comfort & can be therapeutic. I think reaching out on this site is a good idea . While we may not all understand completely we all understand to a certain degree & support you . God bless
When I lost some dear friends many years ago a few months apart from each other, I had never lost anyone close to me before in my life....I was just so sad and so lost and didn't know what to do with the feelings of loss and grief. I was recommended by my therapist to go to a group therapy dealing with grief and loss, and learning to let go. It helped me tremendously. As you said....as we grow older, and people get on with their own lives, some of us feel left out and on our own....but the reality is...change happens and it's harder for some of us than others. I'm sorry for all your loss, and if I learned anything, it's that we all grieve differently in our own ways. But eventually we have to realize that those that have passed are at peace, and the last thing they would ever want is for us to stay stuck in grief....so if you can get help.....I hope it would help you the way it did for me. It's worth a shot to help move passed this. Also....if you have depression, remember that this disease makes us feel sad to begin with, and when you add on grief to that...it's pretty tough...