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death anxiety

kkat37 profile image
27 Replies

Does anyone who deals with death anxiety find that with the increased unrest in the news with Iran feel a heightened of anxiety? What tips are you using to stay calm?

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kkat37 profile image
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27 Replies
NeuronerdDoaty profile image

I don’t watch the news. It’s so hyped up to increase your anxiety and make you come back for more. I like the old delivery when they weren’t personalities with opinions. (I miss you Walter Kronkite.)

Read the paper if you must. Remember we’re always at war.

Live in your bubble in this moment. Pray for the people.

Sending you peace to your soul❤️


HarleyQuinn7480 profile image
HarleyQuinn7480 in reply to NeuronerdDoaty

I don’t watch the news at all unless someone talks about a subject and then I have to go and find out about it to feel like I fit in. I don’t watch it because usually there’s nothing good. And not knowing about the bad I think helps with my anxiety to not worry if I don’t know about things. I do have people say I am you need to watch the news to know what’s going on in the world around you.

kkat37 profile image
kkat37 in reply to HarleyQuinn7480

yes I need to pull away too because I have become obsessed with it and it’s increasingly raising my anxiety

kkat37 profile image
kkat37 in reply to NeuronerdDoaty

Thank you so much for these tips and kind words, I think that is what I am going to do along with taking a break from FB and those forms if social media for a while.

NeuronerdDoaty profile image
NeuronerdDoaty in reply to kkat37

Oh definitely watch out for fb. I do my happy groups. Nothing else. Kittens and dogs and babies.

I don't have death anxiety but a long time ago I was anxious about US nuclear weapons at Greenham common

It affects young people I think more than older ones plus social media are stirring things up

A few evil people want war with Iran this is what you should focus on and show your resistance to WW3 the more they know the people don't want WW3 the less likely it is to happen

NeuronerdDoaty profile image
NeuronerdDoaty in reply to lillyofthevalley37

Well said lilly

lillyofthevalley37 profile image
lillyofthevalley37 in reply to NeuronerdDoaty

Thanks Doaty

kkat37 profile image
kkat37 in reply to lillyofthevalley37

yes its so scary to even think I remember the gulf war and that was so sad and terrifying

Minnie1971 profile image
Minnie1971 in reply to lillyofthevalley37

I really don't think that WW 111 is going to happen but the government didn't listen to the peoples opinion in any other war that we've been in and they won't need our permission for the next war whenever that may be.

bluepepper1992 profile image

I'm having the same problem with all the fires in Australia, I'm a huge animal lover. Watching anything where people, animals & homes are being destroyed breaks my heart. I feel my heart racing, start feeling fidgety and just start crying. Some days I just have to not watch the news.

I like to keep up with the news but also realize they hype it up. Iran has hated us for decades so who knows what can happen. I try and be aware of whats going on in the world but realize as one individual, it is out of my control. I worry more about getting shot at a walmart, sadly. Our lives are not guaranteed. In reality we dont know if we will see another sunset. We just have to be thankful for what we have and not stress about what might be. Easier said than done

Healus20 profile image

We are definitely facing some really challenging times now and in future. I do not suffer with anxiety but my spoyse does. Best advice to you is try to watch less news, turn to something funny instead like a comedy movie, or a good book if you like to read. Less news is best.

Pray and be at peace my friend.

Pearl5 profile image

I have severe health anxiety and GAD, and, unfortunately, am a news junkie who doesn’t believe in a head-in-the-sand solution to my anxiety. I seek reputable sources and try to avoid those who peddle in hysteria on both sides. It doesn’t always work, but then I try to consider the big picture—how for thousands of generations people (including myself) have thought the world was ending or war was imminent. Yes, wars happen and we are certainly not immune, but the experts who I respect say things aren’t great, our leadership is making serious errors, but they are not seeing world war. That said, things seem so bleak on so many fronts—Australia is heartbreaking— so what helps me is to do small kind things for others—animals and people. Compliment someone you don’t know, smile at someone who looks like they are having a hard time, pet a dog, volunteer or donate at an animal shelter. Every tiny gesture of kindness offsets my anxiety even just a little. It always comes roaring back, but the reprieve is worth it. Hope that helps.

in reply to Pearl5

I'm with you on practically everything you've said. At my age I've lived in or during some rough times in history (b. 1956) both internally and externally. Things just about never work out how you want them to so foresight must be studied very carefully before commitment. Also a news junkie, I like to be aware of what's happening in the world outside my door. Fortunately we are a superpower and have the greatest weapons, equipment, and highly trained personnel in the world. I say this keeping in mind our close friends and allies and do include them as well; Great Britain and surprise! 53 of it's member states, most former colonies, remain loyal to the Queen. Much respect to the Crown. Of course Israel is on top of anything going on in that region. Plus those inside the Iranian government who spy for foreign nations who can and do provide inside info. Remember when it was as easy as slipping a USB into a scientist's computer? Boy did that one go viral. Literally. But their real threat is Israel. Iran simply cannot keep a secret. When they begin producing something we prefer they didn't, expect a flyover and a few drop-in surprises. Iran simply cannot organize well enough to begin a real war. They fought Iraq for 8 yrs. and got nowhere. We took Iraq in what? a matter of weeks for the most part. And that left us the real problem: Those nuts whose religion drive them. How do you stop someone who has brains (allegedly) and supposedly the ability to think(no reference given) for oneself, and wants to die? They are the hidden dangers. And they are home grown as well as imported. My advice is get a license to carry and learn to operate a handgun. Toughen up. Times have changed and we've seen that the police, as fast and as deadly as they are, cannot beat a lawful gun owner on site for efficient endings.

Australia, I'm blown away at the devastation. So far I've read that 26 people have died in this tragedy. Based on how large and fast moving it is, "only 26" is not a proper way to put it but considering, it could be much higher. My respects to those who have lost either or both loved ones and homes, businesses, communities. As far animals it is a worldwide loss. Many were on the brink of extinction and it is feared that this may be it. Of those who survived the fire still face food and water shortages. And prey animals. Those who could run or fly did so. Some choose wrong paths and ended up trapped, and lost. Many did escape, but think of how many creatures are just too slow to flee in time. Those who could not or would not leave their homes, whether a hole in the ground to a hole in a tree. Many animals will rebound and zoos and preservations can and will contribute native species. That being said, there will be some flora and fauna that will not survive. And we may never even know it. A lesson we're once again reminded of: Mother Nature has her way. We are ants in perspective.

kkat37 profile image
kkat37 in reply to

so true many good thoughts I really need to get my license to carry my husband has his but not me. Yes the wild fires are so terrible and then they found out people set them so terrible!

in reply to kkat37

If you are comfortable with handling a firearm and are trained or are willing to learn then you at least feel more comfortable than not. I know I did when I had my license and carried concealed. Never had to draw or even display but the psychological boost it gives is worth it. Knowing that you have a fighting chance if necessary. Unfortunately when I decided I could no longer live with chronic pain and doctors had nothing of any effectiveness to offer I obtained my medical marijuana card. That made my CCW worthless. Oh the irony. I had been using marijuana "medicinally" for years, but once I was legit I could no longer legally carry a handgun for self-defense. So I do not. I plead upon the duty of the officers, the LEO's of my state and those of my federal government to make sure that my Constitutional rights are not violated. Makes me feel so...what's the word I'm looking for? Terrified? Yeah, not a lot of trust in the state as a whole and law enforcement in general. Not the system so much as the individuals who make up that system. Oh well, that's my burden.

dom410 profile image

I dont watch the news either, I just found out that guy from the your fired show is president.

But honestly, the real issue your having is your in the future. Focus on the here and now. Stay present. none of us knows the end of time or our time. So live your day and everyday like tomorrow may not be here.

What does this look like? Not sure, but for me, I take a few breaks and find something to look at or notice a smell. I tell my kids I love them and my wife that I adore her. I tell God I know one day all my troubles will be gone and answers will be given. I try to create something to leave behind.

Lastly I know the news media has one saying. If it bleeds, it leads. They are the naysayers the bringers are fear. Remember monuments are erected to critics.

kkat37 profile image
kkat37 in reply to dom410

Good ideas! I need to work more on enjoying the present, I have lost lots of moments to fear and I need to stop that and enjoy my right now.

in reply to kkat37

The older one gets, the less one has fear of. Or perhaps it's reason to.

Bluetj profile image

I experience death anxiety however I do not watch the news. It is so depressing because there is nothing good. I do not even mess with any type of social media, its all depressing. I read what I want on msn that way I control what I read. Best wishes to u.

kkat37 profile image
kkat37 in reply to Bluetj

sounds like a good idea expose myself to what I can handle and limit the rest

Rob7 profile image

I battled death anxiety for 10 years but this past year I have finally started to overcome it. Living is tougher the older you get so there is peace in death - this is what I have come to realize. Death is inevitable and the natural order of life - don’t avoid thinking about it but try to change your viewpoint about it and gain some mental peace.

Lazy_dog_lover profile image

I had to stop watching the news a few years ago. I am near Chicago, where, according to “the orange one”, our President, we have uncontrolled gun violence. Looking at actual statistics, there are other cities much higher. I don’t go to the city. I won’t even job hunt down there.

What I have done is follow honorable news people online and selectively read their news. I also keep myself occupied by trying to be helpful to others. I get free things off of Facebook Marketplace, clean and fix them up and get the items to people in need.

If war is going to happen because we have a pinhead for a President, there is nothing I can do about it. I hope rational heads prevail, but wars in the Middle East have been happening for 2000 years. I can think globally and speak about global events and prepare with mindfulness, but I act locally with what is in my control. I have written to my congress representatives and senators. I have signed petitions. All are in my control.

Make a list of things in your control that will help make the world a better place and will improve your well-being. Make a list of things not in your control, then shred it.

kkat37 profile image
kkat37 in reply to Lazy_dog_lover

thank you for replying I have been feeling some better but I probably need more therapy than I am

getting at the moment

Lazy_dog_lover profile image
Lazy_dog_lover in reply to kkat37

Well, I wish you the best. I don't have a good support system around me, so I rely on my therapy. I am in the middle of a huge purge of unnecessary stuff from my house and condensing things. (I tend to clean when I get stressed)

I had found a list of books that I had wanted to read. I can't find it right now, because I am also dealing with identity theft, but one was called something like Women who think too much. If you like to read or even listen to audio books, there are some out there.

If you have trouble sleeping, look into theta and delta wave sleep sounds. Theta you can use for meditation, too, to take your mind off the craziness around you. Some have music and some have white noise or rain/waves. Whatever you like hearing.

kkat37 profile image
kkat37 in reply to Lazy_dog_lover

thank you! I will check that book out. I am sorry you don’t have a good support system. I am the same. I did a huge purge of things and it felt so good to let so much stuff go.

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